
Joy-Anna Duggar slammed for sharing coffee with Gideon

Joy-Anna Duggar has been raked through the coals while parenting her first child, Gideon. The mommy-shamers have been out in full force, and now they are at it again. Yesterday, Joy-Anna Duggar shared a photo of the tot where he appeared to be drinking out of her iced coffee drink. They were outside and two


Duggar family catches heat for Hurricane Dorian ‘promotion’ of Medic Corps

The Duggar family is being slammed once again. This time, the gripe is about the mission work in the Bahamas. A group of Duggar family members and some of the Bates’ kids left Tuesday to help with the devastation left by Hurricane Dorian. Jana, John-David, James, and Jason Duggar joined Nathan and Lawson Bates as


Duggar siblings head to Bahamas to help with Hurricane Dorian recovery

The Duggar family has sent help to the Bahamas. As the country watches the devastation that was left in the wake of Hurricane Dorian, relief teams from all over are headed to the country to help. A country that was once a tourist attraction is now under plenty of water and leveled in areas. Mission


Duggar miscarriages: Which Counting On family members suffered losses and when?

The Duggar family is growing by leaps and bounds. Viewers have watched their lives over the past decade and many things have changed for the older siblings. From marriage to babies, each year brings more little Duggars into the world. Currently, there are four babies on the way for the Duggar siblings. Jim Bob and


Jinger Duggar goes hipster and fans are here for it

Jinger Duggar has steadily been making headlines since she married Jeremy Vuolo nearly three years ago. The two share a unique union, more outside of the norm expected from a Duggar child. While they both still hold their values close, stepping outside of the box has been something that is a part of who they


Joy-Anna Duggar reveals living conditions and fans are freaking out

There have been questions about where Joy and Austin live, and now we have the answers. Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth are anything but traditional. They have lived more off the grid than the other siblings, never settling into a home or sharing photos of their living space regularly. Last year, Joy-Anna Duggar revealed she