
Jenelle Evans filming her own footage, it will not air on MTV

Jenelle Evans may no longer be filming for MTV and Teen Mom 2, but she has plans of returning to the small screen and telling her story the way she wants it to be told. Jenelle has been documenting her journey through this entire incident where David Eason allegedly shot and killed the family dog


Nathan Griffith’s sister comes to Jenelle Evans’ defense after custody issue

Jenelle Evans has been criticized for how she’s handled herself, her kids, and her marriage over the past couple of months. While she’s been slammed for sticking with David Eason after he reportedly shot the family dog and the children were removed, she continued to defend her actions. Kaiser’s biological father Nathan Griffith had plenty


Jenelle Evans denies making up shooting story, calls cops ‘crooked AF’

Jenelle Evans learned yesterday how her local police department had claimed she admitted making up the now infamous story about her husband David Eason shooting her dog Nugget earlier this year. The Columbus County Sheriff’s Office in North Carolina said on Thursday that Jenelle had told investigators she falsified the story for publicity — and


Jenelle Evans asks people not to believe tweets about court case

Jenelle Evans got her children back late last week after CPS removed them from her home back in May. After weeks of fighting in court to regain custody of her kids, Jenelle proved to a judge that there were no abuse or neglect issues happening in the home. However, this custody scandal hasn’t stopped people


Jenelle Evans slams Ashley Lanhardt over abuse accusations

Former Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans is using her social media platform to speak out about her current situation, as a judge ruled in her favor last week. A judge didn’t see any evidence of abuse or neglect, and so the three children that were removed from the home sent back to live with