
Zack Snyder had a huge challenge filming Batman/Joker scene

Zack Snyder faced many obstacles to create his special cut for Justice League. Yet, according to his wife Deborah, Snyder’s greatest challenge was filming the scene of Ben Affleck’s Batman meeting Jared Leto’s Joker, mainly because neither man could be in the same room together.  The Knightmare The sequence appears to take place in the


Zack Snyder’s Justice League will have an extra chapter

It’s less than two weeks until Warner Brothers officially release Zack Snyder’s Justice League. The long-awaited comic book unicorn fans have been demanding to see since the mostly passable Joss Whedon version is on the verge of hitting HBO Max. The new version is said to be over four hours in length and contains six


The Snyder Cut of the Justice League was accidentally released early on HBO Max

A few lucky viewers got to see part of the Justice League Snyder Cut over a week before anyone else.  Easily one of the most anticipated DCEU projects ever, the Justice League Snyder Cut will assemble Zack Snyder’s true vision of the movie gathering the world’s greatest heroes. But thanks to an HBO Max glitch,


Zack Snyder shares how Deathstroke fits into Justice League cut

With weeks to go before its premiere, Zack Snyder is sharing more information regarding not only his special cut of Justice League but also what his plans for future DC films would have been. This includes how Joe Manganiello would have been a huge force as Deathstroke the Terminator and would be facing Batman in