On the newest season of the hit Netflix show Stranger Things, viewers see familiar favorites and returning cameos. Viewers are also introduced to a number of new characters.
Among them is a guy named Alexei played by actor Alec Utgoff. So who is he exactly and what other roles has Utgoff been in? Here are more details on the man who plays Alexei. Keep in mind that there are some minor spoilers in this article.
Alec Utgoff details, movie resume
Alec Utgoff may be recognizable to plenty of viewers as he’s been in a number of other roles dating back to 2010. Originally born in Kiev, the British actor first appeared in a one-episode role on TV series Spooks but moved on to other roles from there. As of 2019, he’s 33-years-old.
Perhaps his first big role was 2014’s Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit where Utgoff portrayed Aleksandr Borovsky. That movie also starred Kevin Costner and Sir Kenneth Branagh.
Alec Utgoff also was in The Tourist starring Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp. Utgoff portrayed Fedka in the film. In one of his Instagram posts (below), he gave credit to that film and role for helping his career get started. He appeared in another Depp film called Mordecai in 2015.
While Utgoff plays a character named Alexei on Stranger Things Season 3, he’s also played one named “Alexi” with no second E. He held that role in a movie starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson called San Andreas. He also played a character named “Alec/Alexi” on the 2016 British political comedy series Power Monkeys. So the Russian Alexi/Alexei character must be one he portrays well.
In addition to those roles, he’s set to appear in the new mini-series Dracula in at least one episode as Abramoff. That show is set for a 2019 release. Check out more of Utgoff’s television and movie credits via his IMDB entry here.
Who is Alexei on Stranger Things? (Spoilers)
Spoiler alert for those yet to have seen the new Stranger Things Season 3. In his newest role, Alec Utgoff plays a quirky, and humorous character named Alexei. He is a Russian scientist working in the underground area on some sort of otherworldly project. That involves the door to the other dimension that Eleven previously opened and closed.
In the third season, Dr. Alexei becomes a hostage for Hopper and Joyce as they try to solve the latest mystery. Fans learn that he has a love for cherry Slurpees, the popular 7-11 staple. In addition, he takes a liking to cartoons, especially Looney Tunes. Hopper actually gives him a nickname, “Smirnoff,” in a reference to the popular Russian vodka.
Of course, Alexei is also super smart when it comes to science, and he’s a Russian. In the context of the new season, that makes him dangerous and helpful to the main characters all at once. However, he’s certainly not a danger in real life and is quite talented.
Check out his Instagram for more of his behind-the-scenes videos or photos including his piano-playing skills.
Who knew that Alexei could play piano in addition to everything else?
Stranger Things Season 3 is currently available with all eight episodes on the Netflix platform.