Big Brother 20 is on a roll tonight. Now that Haleigh has exited the Big Brother house, there are only six players left in the game.
With JC and Sam being the odd ones out, one of them needs to win the Head of Household competition in order to save themselves.
Level 6 (now 4) has dominated the game and now, it looks like they are headed to the final four. With Kaycee Clark out of the running for the Head of Household, she is fully dependent on her alliance to get her through the double eviction.
The Head of Household competition was a series of clips with answers A or B as choices and Tyler ended up winning. With only minutes to decide who the nominations would be, Sam and JC are sitting on the block.
There isn’t a more crucial Power of Veto competition than the one that happens right now. If one of the nominees don’t win, the nominations stay locked and one will be walking out to join Haleigh in the jury house.
Angela won the Power of Veto competition which was definitely one that took some thinking. She now has broken Kaycee’s reign of three back to back wins.
In a shocking blindside, Angela decided to save JC and pull him down. Tyler chose Brett as the replacement nomination.
As voting begins, tension is high. Everyone voted and now, Brett will be walking out the door.
Votes were as follows:
JC- Brett
Kaycee- Brett
Angela- Brett
Now, another Head of Household competition will be played to determine who will run the second to last week in the house. The final five will become the final four, and whoever wins this one will be guaranteed a spot in the final four.
Big Brother airs Sunday and Wednesday nights at 8/7c and Thursday nights at 9/8c on CBS.
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