Big Brother 20 spoilers: Who won HoH for week 5?

The HoH room for season 20 of Big Brother
Who won the HoH title for week 5?

Big Brother 20 officially wrapped up week 4 and now, week 5 has begun. Kaitlyn was evicted from the house after failing to save herself with a second chance. Because of how everything played out, the Head of Household competition was not shown on live television.

This is definitely going to be a week of surprises. The Big Brother house almost voted together to evict Kaitlyn. JC threw a vote for Rockstar but everyone else was on board with getting her out. Rockstar remains in the game for at least one more week.

The Head of Household competition will determine who is reigning supreme this week. Sam was the fourth HoH, so she was not eligible to compete again. With only 12 players left in the house, Level 6 (now 5) has the advantage with five votes.

After hours of the live feeds being down, they returned to reveal who won the fifth Head of Household competition of the summer. Bayleigh ended up with the win, giving her the power to run the house for an entire week.

Nominations are unclear right now. She will likely keep Faysal, Haleigh, and Rockstar safe this week. Bayleigh may go after Sam to get back at her for evicting Kaitlyn, though that may not happen. Brett is a safe bet given what he did to Rockstar in week three with his eviction speech.

The power rests in Bayleigh’s hands and keeps her power app in her hands for at least one more week. This could be another chaotic week in the Big Brother house.

Big Brother airs Sunday and Wednesday night at 8/7c and Thursday night at 9/8c on CBS.

All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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