Big Brother 20 spoilers: Will Julie Chen return to host?

Julie Chen announcing the live double eviction on Big Brother
Will Julie Chen host Thursday’s live double eviction? Pic credit: CBS

Big Brother 20 is gearing up for the big double eviction Thursday night. Viewers are excited to see how things will play out during the second round, especially if Level 6 doesn’t remain in control.

The double eviction was supposed to be the biggest news for Big Brother this week but unfortunately, that is no longer the case. With the Les Moonves controversy, the entire show is in limbo.

As of right now, Julie Chen has promised to be in attendance on Thursday night for the live show. She did take a few days away from her daytime show, The Talk. While it is expected that she will return, it is unclear if she will finish out Season 20 of Big Brother.

RealVegas4sure has been tweeting about backup hosts being talked about. The account is reportedly run by someone in production and up to this point, everything that has been said has come to fruition. Nothing has changed from the statement issued by Julie Chen yesterday and as of now, she will be there on Thursday night.

Season 21 of Big Brother has not been confirmed yet. This is troublesome for long-time fans and live feed viewers. The ratings appear to have fallen a bit, but things are still high in the demographics they want to dominate in according to Realvegas4sure.

After all of the controversy with Les Moonves and the uncertainty of the future of Big Brother, #SaveBBUSA began to be passed around on Twitter. Several former houseguests and players from Season 20 have responded with their thoughts about saving the show.

If Julie Chen no longer becomes an option, it is possible that Big Brother would go on. If CBS decides to drop the show, other networks could be interested in picking it up. There is a lot to process after the most recent events and right now, no news is good news.

Big Brother airs Sunday and Wednesday nights at 8/7c and Thursday nights at 9/8c on CBS.

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