
Big Brother Have-Nots: Houseguests going through punishments

Kathryn Dunn In BB21 Bed
Kathryn Dunn is a member of the Big Brother 21 cast. Pic credit: Monty Brinton/CBS

The Big Brother Have-Nots have been revealed. The live feeds were taken down for a bit on Friday afternoon, allowing the decisions to be made about who would have to suffer first this season.

For fans who don’t remember what it means to be a Have-Not, these are the houseguests who have to take cold showers, eat slop as their only main food, and also sleep in uncomfortable beds.

It’s not a fun ordeal. The video below shows a former cast getting introduced to slop.

First Big Brother 21 Have-Nots

Jackson Michie, Tommy Bracco, Christie Murphy, and Kathryn Dunn the first four Have-Nots for Season 21. This information became very obvious when the live feeds got turned back on. Dealing with cold showers has already become an area of concern for one of them.

Putting the Have-Nots back in the game is a good move by production, as it is sometimes difficult to deal with the punishment. It was also a wise decision by the producers to wait until after Camp Comeback had concluded in order to re-introduce this twist.

More Big Brother 21 spoilers

In addition to the revelation of the Have-Nots, the BB21 cast has a new Head of Household. That was revealed late Thursday night, as the production team had to set it up following the episode airing on CBS.

The week is going to be an interesting one, making the live feeds even more fun with the re-introduction of slop.

Big Brother airs CBS episodes on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

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