Big Brother nominations have been made. Live feed spoilers revealed who the new Head of Household decided to put on the block this week. It may be a bit surprising to fans who have been trying to predict this season.
Following the Thursday night episode, the BB21 cast played in another Endurance Challenge. This one also decided who would take over as the new HOH following the eviction of Nick Maccarone.
Jackson Michie became HOH again, following a week where Holly Allen was in charge of the game. If the showmance keeps alternating like this, they could easily make it all the way to the final two.
As the person in charge again, Jackson had to host the Nomination Ceremony on Friday. He worked on a plan with Holly Allen, with live feed subscribers getting to see things as they started to come together.
more in black & white than color now pic.twitter.com/xkNiaugS5Q
— hamsterwatch (@hamsterwatch) August 30, 2019
Big Brother spoilers: Nomination Ceremony time
At the final seven Nomination Ceremony, Jackson Michie nominated Christie Murphy and Jessica Milagros for eviction. Both ladies will still have a shot to take themselves off the block by winning the Power of Veto this weekend.
Jackson has several plans in motion this week. He would be fine with either Christie or Jessica getting evicted and he has scenarios ready for both situations.
If Jessica wins the POV, Cliff Hogg has already volunteered to be a replacement nominee this week. If Cliff becomes a pawn, it is very likely that Christie gets sent to the BB21 jury house next. But should Cliff stop volunteering to be a pawn? Pawns go home.
If Christie saves herself from the block, that’s when things could get really interesting. Jackson will face the difficult choice of putting Tommy Bracco up as a nominee or using Cliff as a pawn again.
Cliff to Jackson- I see them (Christie/Jess) both as threats. If you need to throw my name out there, and if someone pulls themself off and you need to put me up, I am not going to be pissed. I understand it #BB21
— Big Brother Daily (@BB_Updates) August 30, 2019
Six houseguests will take part in the Saturday Power of Veto Competition. Until then, there is going to be a lot of negotiating and maneuvering when it comes to the nominees. There are going to be a high number of Big Brother spoilers this weekend, but Jackson and Holly have taken their showmance to the final six.
Big Brother airs episodes Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday night on CBS.
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