
Big Brother Poison Ivy Punishment photos: Cast endures

BB21 Cast Image From Kitchen
Nicole Anthony, Isabella Wang, and Tommy Bracco in BB21 kitchen. Pic credit: Monty Brinton/CBS

Some Big Brother Poison Ivy Punishment photos have become available thanks to the CBS live feeds. On Sunday (July 28), some treatment was given to the houseguests going through it. They look more uncomfortable than ever.

The punishment itself began on Friday, with Christie Murphy and Tommy Bracco learning what they would have to deal with. They earned the punishment by being two of the first people eliminated from the HOH Competition.

The photos below share what Christie and Tommy look like after they received a second treatment for their poison ivy situation. It should provide a few humorous moments during future episodes of the show.

Big Brother 21 spoilers

In addition to the Poison Ivy Punishments, a lot of activity has been taking place in the game over the past 72 hours. That goes all the way back to the Endurance Challenge, where a new HOH was crowned.

It was Holly Allen who became the new HOH. She then made the call to stick with her primary alliance of the Six Shooters and went against targets on the other side.

At the Nomination Ceremony, Holly put Sam Smith and Nick Maccarone on the block. They were frustrated about it happening but understood that it was going to be the next step after Bella got eliminated. The nominees will be revealed during the July 28 episode of the show.

The BB21 cast also played the Veto Competition, which gave Nick and Sam a shot to save themselves from the block. The results from that, as well as the Veto Ceremony, will be the focus of the July 31 episode.

Big Brother 21 airs CBS episodes on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

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