The Big Brother recap for Season 21, Episode 26 comes from Thursday night. It was time for another Eviction Ceremony, with Christie Murphy and Analyse Talavera at risk of getting sent to the BB21 jury house.
It was during the last episode that CBS viewers learned who won the Power of Veto this week. It was Jackson Michie and as the Head of Household, he kept all the power in his own hands.
At the Veto Ceremony, Jackson revealed that he was not going to use the POV. This meant that Christie and Analyse would remain on the block. Neither of them was very pleased with that news, leading to a lot of tears.
Would Jackson stick to his plan of targeting and getting Christie out of the house? CBS viewers would learn the answer to that question by the end of the night.
#BBTommy is all of us right now. pic.twitter.com/YnSW5kxoD2
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 23, 2019
Big Brother recap: Season 21, Episode 26
Host Julie Chen Moonves got the episode started by letting the television audience know that a twist involving pranks was coming. It wasn’t going to have an impact on what took place Thursday night, though, so she said she would come back to it.
It was then time to start showing the fallout from the Veto Ceremony. Christie and Analyse were scrambling for support anywhere they could find it, despite vocally telling each other they weren’t going to campaign this week. A lot of time was also spent showing Christie trying to turn the house on Nick.
Big Brother Taco Tuesday fight
Spurred on by Jackson, Christie brought the fight to Nick during the Taco Tuesday meal for the BB21 cast. Christie was still upset that Nick hadn’t been nominated and wanted to “blow up” his game.
These facial expressions at #BBTacoTuesday… ??? pic.twitter.com/2MC7eTJZ9h
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 23, 2019
Many of the other houseguests were dragged into the argument as Nick and Christie tried very hard to make the other person look worse. While Nick kept calling Christie “bro,” she kept calling him a liar and stated that he had alliances with everyone.
Big Brother Eviction Ceremony
Christie and Analyse spoke to the voting members of the BB21 cast with a brief statement and then it was time to get to the latest eviction vote.
Jessica Milagros voted to evict Analyse, Nick Maccarone voted for Christie, Tommy Bracco voted for Analyse, Holly Allen voted for Analyse, Nicole Anthony voted for Analyse, and Cliff Hogg also voted for Analyse. By a vote of 5-1, Analyse was sent to join Kathryn Dunn and Jack Matthews on the BB21 jury.
?? #BB21 pic.twitter.com/7aVsq6x75K
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 23, 2019
HOH Competition and start of Prank Week
The HOH Competition was done in the backyard, but before they got to that, footage of the houseguests listening to bird sounds this past week was shown. They thought they needed to memorize which birds made specific sounds. But Julie told them that the birds had nothing to do with it, as they were being pranked to start off the new twist.
In a game that involved rolling the ball down a course and being assigned points to the longest roll, Holly Allen won the HOH Competition.
Jessica Milagros, Nicole Anthony, and Cliff Hogg are going to receive punishments for having the lowest scores. But that’s not all. America gets to vote on which houseguest gets to steal half of Holly’s power this week. That person will get to name a nominee of their own.
That brings an end to the Big Brother Season 21, Episode 26 recap. Stay tuned folks, because it’s going to be a bumpy week on the CBS live feeds.
Don’t forget to also take part in the America’s Vote for the BB21 Prankster.
Big Brother airs CBS episodes on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
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