
Big Brother recap: Spoilers from Season 21, Episode 10 include POV winner

Analyse And Bella On BB21
Analyse Talavera and Isabella Wang hanging out on Big Brother 21. Pic credit: Monty Brinton/CBS

The Big Brother recap from Wednesday night includes a lot of spoilers. Season 21, Episode 10 was set to focus on what happened with the Power of Veto and who became the final nominees for eviction this week.

During the last episode of the show, Head of Household Nick Maccarone nominated Jessica Milagros and Cliff Hogg for eviction. He also pondered possibly backdooring someone should the POV fall in line.

Big Brother Episode 10 recap

To open the episode, Nick spoke about nominating Jessica and Cliff because he wanted to help his alliance. His Diary Room session also touched on a chat he had with Nicole about his alliance possibly turning on him.

Nicole also spoke with the cameras, as she was very worried that Jackson Michie was going to continue lying about the rogue vote.

The trio of Analyse Talavera, Christie Murphy, and Holly Allen had told Nicole that she was being bullied, but when they were up in the HOH Room, they lied and said they never called anyone bullies. In fact, they said that Nicole called Isabella Wang and Nick the bullies.

They did their best to turn it around on Nicole. When Nicole tried to talk with people in the HOH Room, they wouldn’t let her in the room. Later, Bella was shown speaking down to Nicole and inserting new lies about her. Nick was also shown coming down hard on her for something she didn’t even do.

New Big Brother Veto Competition

Jackson Matthews, Kathryn Dunn, and Christie Murphy joined Jessica, Nick, and Cliff in the Veto Competition. Jessica got her choice of people but went with Christie over Nicole. It seemed like a really bad move in the game.

Kaitlyn Herman from Big Brother 20 was there to host a puzzle competition. With the POV on the line, everyone knew how important it would be to win the power.

In the end, it was Kathryn Dunn who won the Power of Veto.

Who is nominated for eviction on Big Brother?

At the Veto Ceremony, Kathryn used the POV to save Jessica from the block. This forced Nick to name a replacement nominee. He went with Nicole Anthony.

When the Eviction Ceremony takes place on Thursday night, the Big Brother 21 cast will vote to evict either Cliff Hogg or Nicole Anthony.

Big Brother airs CBS episodes on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

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