Big Brother spoilers could hint at another eviction party. The Big Brother 21 cast already created one earlier this summer, when the eviction of Jack Matthews led to JackEvictionParty becoming a trending topic on Twitter.
Many fans were very pleased to see Jack getting evicted and they knew what was going to happen as the Eviction Ceremony approached. It led to a lot of people using #JackEvictionParty on social media.
Ready for something like that to happen again?
The Veto Ceremony took place on Monday, setting the stage for the next Eviction Ceremony. To get to that point, they had to play for the Power of Veto. It was Jackson Michie who won the POV and he decided to keep the nominees the same.
At the Thursday night Eviction Ceremony, Christie Murphy and Analyse Talavera will still be on the block. One of them is about to join Kathryn Dunn and Jack Matthews on the BB21 jury.
*Not actual dialogue. #BBAD
— Orwell (@BBADOrwell) August 20, 2019
Big Brother spoilers: Christie eviction party happening?
As it stands, it seems like the house is pretty intent on sending Christie out the front door next. This is something that has already led to a lot of fan celebration on social media.
The expectation is that when the Thursday episode finally rolls around, a Christie eviction party is going to begin trending on Twitter.
There were some intriguing rumors online Monday night, though, which also may also involve Christie. When the live feeds suddenly turned off and the Big Brother: After Dark episode got delayed, a rumor started going around that the relationship between Christie and Tommy Bracco had been exposed.
It’s still unclear if that happened, but Holly Allen could be seen on the live feeds asking Jackson if he knows what the thing said. She could be alluding to something that was heard or something that was read in the backyard.
people are asking me where's Tommy, where's Tommy..
I got your Tommy right here
— hamsterwatch (@hamsterwatch) August 20, 2019
Unless something causes the house to have to replay the past week, it seems very likely that Christie is going to be evicted by the Big Brother 21 cast on Thursday night.
That means that the next round of Big Brother spoilers should indicate what the vote total was before the Christie eviction party got started.
Big Brother airs CBS episodes on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
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