Cartel Crew’s Eddie Soto and Kat “Tatu Baby” Flores resumed their relationship after he was released from prison.
They’ve been trying to rebuild their relationship, however, they are off to a rocky start and it remains to be seen whether or not they will be able to rebuild their lives together.
If you’ve wanted to know more about Tatu Baby’s baby daddy, Eddie Soto, here is everything you need to know.
Who is Eddie Soto?
Eddie served time in federal prison after being convicted on drug charges. But he got back together with Kat after he was released from prison. They’ve been together since then.
Eddie and Kat have a son together. Their son’s name is Deniro.
Kat’s father was a Colombian capo. Her father was shot dead outside a club in Queens when she was only four years. Her mother fled with her daughter to Miami after her father was killed. She grew up in Florida where she met and fell in love with Eddie, a drug dealer with links to the Miami narco ring (see video below).
In the video, Eddie introduces himself as Tatu Baby’s baby daddy. According to Eddie, he got into the drug scene when he was very young.
Kat became pregnant with their son, but Eddie was arrested on drug charges and sentenced to five years in federal prison. Kat raised their son alone after Eddie went to prison. She earned a living in Miami as a tattoo artist.
Eddie has been trying to make up for lost time since he was released from prison. Kat decided she wanted to get back together with Eddie, and that she wanted him to play a greater role in his son’s life. She had been thinking about how their relationship should progress.
On Cartel Crew, Eddie took Kat out to dinner. She told him over dinner that she wanted to talk about what’s been on her mind lately. She wanted to talk about their relationship and whether they could still build a future together after he cheated on her when she was pregnant with their son.
Kat said she wasn’t expecting them to get back together after all they’ve been through. She said that after everything she had to ask herself whether she could forgive Eddie for what he’s done.
Eddie told her that she had every reason to feel the way she did, but he said he was ready to make amends. Kat wanted reassurance that he meant what he was saying this time.
He tried to assure her that he meant it this time and that he wanted to abandon his previous lifestyle and start afresh.
They had a heated argument, during which Eddie accused Kat of dating other men while he was in prison. Kat defended herself, saying she did not love the other men. She loved him. Eddie accused her of not knowing how to love a man. Kat rejected the accusation. She insisted that she knows how to love.
The two lapsed into a tense silence and then Eddie said that they just wasted what could have been a wonderful night by arguing. He then left the table.
Cartel Crew Season 1 just aired its finale on VH1.