You can’t think of Halloween without Elvira. The Mistress of the Dark and All Hallows Eve go hand and hand!
In case you missed it, the sultry Elvira made an appearance on the season 9 premiere episode of Halloween Wars, and her loyal fans loved it!
Elvira can’t slow down
Elvira took to social media to announce she would be a guest judge on Halloween Wars. It piqued the interest of every Halloween lover who has followed her career.
Elvira, whose real name is Cassandra Peterson, gave her fans and the Food Network faithful a serious dose of her alter ego on Sunday. She arrived decked out in full Elvira gear.
Peterson has parlayed her Elvira role into a smash hit for decades, and by the looks of it, she has no intention of slowing down.
With reported rumors of a new Elvira movie, an autobiography, and an animated series, Peterson can’t slow down! Halloween is 32 days away, what better time to share her assets with her fans?
How old is the Mistress of the Dark?
Speaking of Elvira’s assets, after her appearance on Halloween Wars, many folks may have been wondering when Peterson got her start as Elvira? It was 38 years ago this week that the Mistress of the Dark burst onto the scene.
Elvira’s Movie Macabre debuted in Los Angeles on KHJ Channel 9, and as they say in Hollywood, the rest is history! Her brand of horror television has become a staple in American TV history. So, just how old is Cassandra Peterson?
Believe it or not, the Kansas native just turned 68 on September 17. For nearing 70, Peterson sure looks like she is battling father time just fine.
Just how long Peterson will continue to keep Elvira alive is anyone’s guess. However, don’t be surprised if Elvira is still turning heads years from now!