Exclusive: Cooper’s Treasure strikes real gold, and aliens underwater?

On tonight’s wrap up of Discovery’s hit series Cooper’s Treasure, which we foreshadowed in our exclusive interview with Darrell Miklos that gold would be found…but aliens? He never gave that away.

The gold coins are the big reveal in tonight’s gripping send-up of a really exhilarating second season as Miklos and his crew including recovery expert Eric Schmitt, marine archaeologist Jim Sinclair, and Mag and recovery expert Mike Perna is one for the books.

And unlike the series The Curse of Oak Island, it took little time to actually find the artifacts and the treasure.

An underwater dive and treasure hunt on Cooper's Treasure
Diving to find treasure, or at least to find clues leading up to it

Eric Schmidt and Darrell Miklos are seen in one of the treasure hunting spots in the special places astronaut Gordon Cooper mapped out from space in the 1960s.

There, the water is more shallow and rife with ship eating coral reefs which is why it is called the treasure coast. Tonight, the long-awaited find of actual gold is revealed after a season of artifacts, ship anchors, nails, crystal deck prisms, and other period metal bits leads them to this most auspicious find.

To say Miklos and his crew are stoked is an understatement. But wait, there’s more!

Gold is not the only thing that Miklos has lucked into finding. He believes with all his heart that space aliens have been where he is searching for treasure.

The Discovery Channel star went on record with the Daily Mail and said he found what could be a huge extraterrestrial structure at the very bottom of the Atlantic Ocean off the Florida coastline.

In the notorious Bermuda Triangle, Miklos claims 300 feet beneath the surface lies an alien structure.

Miklos said: “I was trying to identify shipwreck material based on one of the anomaly readings on Gordon’s charts when I noticed something that stuck out, that shocked me…It was a formation unlike anything I’ve ever seen related to shipwreck material, it was too big for that. It was also something that was completely different from anything that I’ve seen that was made by nature.”

After the excitement of the gold coins find as Darrell and Eric fist bump underwater.
After the excitement of the gold coins find as Darrell and Eric fist bump underwater

Miklos and his team discovered an unidentified submerged object (USO) in the Bermuda Triangle near the island nation of the Bahamas.

Jutting large obtrusions from the sea floor alerted him and the anomalies that they have been charting did not jibe with this exactly. So…what was it?

While exploring the area in his submersible NEMO, Miklos was looking for shipwrecks but thinks he came across a more shocking find.

He said to the Mail: “I was trying to identify shipwreck material based on one of the anomaly readings on Gordon’s charts when I noticed something that stuck out, that shocked me.”

What IS that obtrusion as discovered by Miklos on Cooper's Treasure?
What IS that obtrusion? Alien doings?

Watch tonight as the finale will have you clamoring for a fast turnaround for season three!

Cooper’s Treasure airs Friday at 9 pm ET/PT on Discovery.

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