
Family Feud viewers appalled by contestant’s NSFW survey response: ‘Who says that?’

steve harvey Hollywood Walk of Fame, Hollyood, CA 05-13-13
Steve was alarmed by a Family Feud contestant’s survey response but quickly infused some humor into the segment. Pic credit: ©

Family Feud viewers were taken aback when a contestant gave host Steve Harvey a response that no one expected.

Steve has become accustomed to contestants offering wild and unpredictable answers on his show.

But the 67-year-old is always prepared, using his comedic background to react with humor and keep entertaining his audiences.

Steve was caught off guard when a contestant named Joshua provided an answer that no one saw coming.

Steve surveyed Joshua and his opponent at the podium, asking, “If you left your laptop open, what do you hope isn’t on your screen?”

Joshua responded with confidence, “Messages from a h**.”

Steve immediately realized how brazen Joshua’s answer was and stared in befuddlement for a second before he began laughing.

While Steve, the audience, and both teams of contestants laughed, Joshua stuck to his guns, proclaiming, “It’s up there, Steve! It’s up there!” as he pointed to the board.

But, despite his confidence, Joshua was incorrect and earned his team a big, red “X” and the buzzer.

The hilarious clip was shared to Family Feud’s official Instagram feed in a Reel captioned, “You left your laptop open. What do you hope isn’t on the screen?? 😧💻🫢 “It’s up there!” #FamilyFeud #SteveHarvey.”

More than 18,000 Family Feud viewers liked the video, and the comments section was chock-full of mixed reactions.

Family Feud viewers are flabbergasted by Joshua’s indecent survey answer

While many found Joshua’s answer humorous, others questioned whether it was appropriate to say on national television.

“I’m sorry what did you say?” asked one Family Feud fan.

Another said of Joshua’s answer, “Way too specific lol people be losing all sense when on live TV lol.”

@gibbsy592 left a slew of rolling-eyes emojis to express their sentiment.

family feud viewers comment on joshua's answer on instagram
Viewers at home had mixed reactions to Joshua’s answer. Pic credit: @familyfeud/Instagram

“I mean, what the hell, who says that?” pondered another Instagram user.

Yet another Family Feud viewer at home added, “He so stupid omg,” along with a series of crying-laughing emojis.

Steve tells another Family Feud contestant their answer is the ‘worst’ one they could give

Steve is no stranger to reacting quickly to shocking answers. Recently, he was bold enough to tell a contestant they gave the “worst answer they could give.”

The survey asked people to name someone they feel comfortable disrobing in front of. A woman named Kate answered, “My kids,” and Steve ran with the opportunity to crack a joke and facetiously put Kate in her place.

Steve pretended to be Kate undressing in front of her kids, ad-libbing the dialogue.

“Hey, kids, how y’all doin’?” he joked as he pretended to flash the imaginary children.

“What’s happenin’?” he added as he struck some dance moves.

Steve told Kate that she needed to put her kids in therapy, and although nine other people provided the same answer as her, Steve boldly told her, “I don’t know how the hell it was [on the board], cuz I tell ya, that’s the worst answer you could give.”

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