
Growing Up Hip Hop Atlanta exclusive: Bow Wow tries to ghost Corri so she pulls up on him at the studio

Bow Wow on Growing Up Hip Hop Atlanta
Bow Wow faces Corri, who wants answers, on Growing Up Hip Hop: Atlanta. Pic credit: WEtv

Bow Wow’s shady behavior is catching up to him in the latest Growing Up Hop Hop: Atlanta exclusive when Corri pulls up on him to ask about Angela Simmons.

Bow Wow should have known that his latest behavior would bring out the worst in his new girl Corri. Last week on Growing Up Hip Hop: Atlanta, we saw him completely ghost his new “girlfriend” when Angela Simmons came to town.

Now, Corri wants answers, and she’s not letting Bow Wow off the hook. After the Growing Up Hip Hop: Atlanta star stops responding to her calls and text messages, Corri decides it’s time to force a conversation, so she heads to the studio to confront him face to face.

Bow Wow on Growing Up Hip Hop Atlanta
Bow Wow faces Corri, who wants answers, on Growing Up Hip Hop: Atlanta. Pic credit: WEtv

Bow Wow receives a text message from Corri, telling him that they need to talk. Naturally, he doesn’t respond, so she texts again.

“I’m at the studio. I see your car. I just need a minute,” the message reads.

Bow Wow and the guys he’s working with decide they better step outside to see what’s going on.

When they get outside the building, Corri is waiting, and she doesn’t look happy.

“So you ain’t been answering the phone, texting me back,” Corri began. “Like, I’m confused.”

To which Bow Wow responded, “Ain’t nobody been ignoring you.”

Bow Wow tries to explain that he’s been busy working and that’s why he hasn’t been answering the phone or texting her back. He even tries to use the cameras trained on their conversation, as proof that he’s busy at work.

But Corri isn’t stupid, and everyone knows he was at Shaniah’s party with Angela Simmons on his arm. There are plenty of photos to prove it.

Bow Wow tried his best to play it all off, but Corri wasn’t having it. As one of his friends was commenting on how he warned Bow Wow that “this b***h is crazy,” she walked back to her car to get something.

Then, Corri came back to confront Bow Wow again, calling him a liar and swinging a crowbar.

When Corri accuses Bow Wow of cheating, he said, “Cheat? I have to be with you to cheat.”

“Oh, we’re not together?” Corri responded, walking away toward Bow Wow’s car.

Then, she took a big swing and knocked one of the windows out of his car.

Check out the drama in this exclusive Growing Up Hip Hop: Atlanta sneak peek and be sure to tune in tonight to see what happens next.

Growing Up Hip Hop: Atlanta airs Thursdays at 9/8c on WEtv. 

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