
Hell on Earth: The Fall of Syria and the Rise of ISIS examines how they managed to gain so much power

ISIS troops
Hell on Earth: The Fall of Syria and the Rise of ISIS tries to explain the groups creation and spread

Hell on Earth: The Fall of Syria and the Rise of ISIS examines the reasons the terror group were able to take control of such a vast territory and the consequences for those caught in the conflict.

ISIS, IS, so-called Islamic State or DAESH, whatever you want to call them this group are never far from the news bulletins or headlines these days. Their dreams of a new caliphate seemed all too real as they conquered large areas of Iraq and Syria, some fearing they might even reach the Mediterranean coast.

In Syria the choice is between President Bashar al-Assad, ISIS and other fairly extreme Islamist groups
In Syria the choice is between President Bashar al-Assad, ISIS and other fairly extreme Islamist groups

For now their advance has been stopped and they look close to defeat. But even as their power base of Raqqa in Syria seems about to fall they are encouraging their followers across the globe to attack ‘crusader civilians’ at home.

The cost to civilians and the country has been very high
The cost to civilians and the country has been very high

The recent terror attacks in London and Manchester have been inspired by the group and there are fears that the very collapse of their strongholds could lead to more terrorist attacks across the world, as they become more desperate and evolve.

This documentary looks at the circumstances that allowed them to rise and highlights the terrible consequences for the civilians caught in the conflict and living under their rule.

Hell on Earth: The Fall of Syria and the Rise of ISIS airs on National Geographic at 9:00 PM.

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