
Here’s why Sunny Hostin fans are turning off The View

Sunny Hostin at an event at the White House
Sunny Hostin fans are turning the show off when this segment pops up. Pic credit: ©

Sunny Hostin is one of the most popular hosts on The View, but a specific part of the show has her fans changing the channel or even turning off the show.

Even though Sunny has been having a terrible year in her personal life as she grapples with her children moving out and learning how to deal with them as adults, fans still love to see her on The View.

Politics are hot and heavy during this time ahead of another Presidential election, but that is not why fans are sick of The View and changing that channel.

Each day, The View’s hot topic segments are famous for having political news that could be a turn-off for fans who like more light-hearted fare interspersed with timely topics.

Monsters and Critics has reported that hosts like Sunny and Sara Haines have been fighting each other during hot topic segments, but another part of the show is annoying to die-hard fans.

Recently, on Reddit, fans started to voice their opinions about Sunny and the View Your Deal portion of The View, which sells products and has fans tuning out.

Fans are saying ‘enough’ to The View’s shopping segment

Sunny and Sara often sell things on The View in the View Your Deal shopping segment, but fans are vocal about not liking it.

Fans shared a post on Reddit detailing how fed up they are with watching the ladies trying to sell items on The View.

One fan shared that they had enough with the View Your Deal segment, saying, “Unless you are in the audience, nobody benefits from this segment.” The show receives a portion of the profits when items sell, which helps them, but fans are tired of it.

Fans of The View are complaining about a certain segment
Fans of The View are complaining about View Your Deal. Pic credit: U/soapfan22/Reddit

Another fan said they “always turn the show off when view your deal starts.”

Fans complain about a segment of The View
Fans say they will turn off the show when View Your Deal comes on. Pic credit: U/soapfan22/Reddit

Others feel the same way. One fan said they turned off The View even though they enjoyed the political discussion on the show. They said, “I turned it off when Sunny swooned over the necklaces. Enghout of VYD…” This fan even said they would not buy anything on that segment out of protest.

One last fan in the sample said, “View your deal signals the end of the show for me.”

Showrunners of The View, please take note that your fans are turning the show off rather than watching it until the end when View Your Deal comes on.

Sunny got a thank you from President Biden

People on both sides of this political race are arguing, but the main message remains: get out there and vote, no matter which side you are on.

And Sunny Hostin has tirelessly shared that message on the show and on social media for months.

President Biden has acknowledged her hard work in a personal thank-you note.

Once the election is over, The View will return to more fun subjects.

The View airs weekdays at 11/10c on ABC.

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4 months ago

I love the lady on the view sonny have right to speak her mind on different topics she one that is not hold back when it come to racist remarks and that good she speak up