The battle rounds on The Voice have begun for season 16. This years group of singers is extremely talented, leaving many fans worried that their favorite candidate might lose.
However, losing a battle round on The Voice doesn’t mean that the singer will be gone forever. All of the judges have the opportunity to steal the singers for their own teams.
How many steals do the judges have during the battle rounds?
Fans sit on the edge of their seats anticipating which contestants might lose the first round of the battle rounds tonight on The Voice.
While the judges have to go through the battle rounds to narrow down their own teams, they do have options to add to their teams as well.
Each judge on The Voice has two steals they can use during the battle rounds. Many fans rely on the steals to keep their favorite singers on the show and in the competition.
The battle rounds can be very emotional for some fans and for the judges as well, having to decide which artists might have a chance to win.
However, the feedback the artists receive is a giant help. Fans hope that many of the artists who don’t make it through the battle rounds will be seen on The Voice again, or perhaps even with a contract at a record label.
How do steals work on The Voice?
The judges have the option to use steals on The Voice to keep a candidate from being eliminated from the show during the battle rounds.
When a round is performed, the singers’ judge has to decide which artist gets to stay in the competition for a chance to win. It’s a very hard choice for the judges and can be hard for the fans to watch as well.
However, judges can save a candidate who lost during the battle rounds and add them to their own team. These steals give the judges the potential to take two people from the other judges’ teams and become their new coach.
However, since the judges only have two steals for the whole duration of the battle rounds, they can be rather picky as to who they decide to use them on. They won’t just pick anyone — they’ll pick the contestant that they think has the potential to win The Voice.
The Voice airs Mondays at 8/7c on NBC.