Discovery has a new series debuting in 2020 (date TBA) starring Jeremy Wade titled Mysteries of the Deep.
Jeremy Wade is an aquatic explorer. He is an ichthyologist par excellence, a rugged individual whose love for the planet shows in every project in which he is involved. He is beloved by anglers and conservationists the world over and his fame exceeds all boundaries and all languages.
In short, if you need an expert on anything relating to life in rivers, lakes or oceans, he’s your man.
What are Mysteries of the Deep?
The news series Mysteries of the Deep is a juggernaut of traveling and exploration, as Wade follows the threads of lesser-known stories and mysteries of lost things, strange sights seen, and the buried remains of rumored and real things, moments and unexplained happenstances.
The world’s oceans are so deep that many experts believe we are far from understanding the underwater floor and its depths.
Enter Jeremy Wade, a man who has devoted his life to studying fish and the bodies of water in which they live.
Now, Discovery and the show’s producers help viewers understand why ships disappeared without a trace, why underwater anomalies remain unexplained, and why a lethal virus showed up along Florida’s coast.
Jeremy Wade searches for answers as he dissects the stories behind the world’s most vexing and baffling underwater mysteries known to man and science.
Discovery explains the premise of the new show.
The deep-sea remains a dangerous and unexplored frontier – a place that swallows evidence and where the unknown is normal. Jeremy takes on his biggest adventures yet and will stop at nothing to find answers.
In one episode, Jeremy explores a new way to verify the existence of the Loch Ness Monster of Scotland where the lore and legend of Nessie are woven into the country’s fabric.
Now, new Loch Ness “Nessie” sightings and state-of-the-art science may actually identify what this famed monster actually is and from where and when she came.
First and foremost, Wade is a scientist and a researcher. He will strip away the attention-grabbing headlines in search of real answers.
So will he put together new information that will rewrite the infamous monster of the deep lake?
What are some of the episodes in Mysteries of the Deep about?
Were you a fan of season one of The Terror on AMC?
Captain Sir John Franklin’s lost expedition through the waters of the Arctic was explored on the AMC show. In fact, Franklin’s failed mission was the source material for that terrifying drama starring Ciaran Hinds and Jared Harris.
Now that same expedition will be covered on Mysteries of the Deep. The expedition, which departed from England in 1845, included two ships, the HMS Erebus and HMS Terror. Both disappeared without a trace, only to be found in recent times.
The fresh episode will consider the inspirational tale of survival in which a man managed to stay alive for three days while trapped in a shipwreck at the bottom of the ocean.
How did this man live? Jeremy will get to the bottom of the mystery and he will share survival secrets, too.
Finally, the renowned expert will dive headfirst into the shocking discoveries of time when bodies washing up on the shores of British Columbia, which was not an isolated incident. Was it the mafia? A secret government cover-up? Or the work of a serial killer? Jeremy will follow the clues and share forensic work used to piece them together.
The series promises that “no topic is off-limits, no matter how strange it may sound.”
Jeremy will examine the lore of lost treasure, the mysteries of lost and missing ships, and unusual ocean bed discoveries.
Preview of Mysteries of the Deep
The sizzle reel takes viewers inside the underwater realm where anything is possible.
From the Arctic to the Antarctic, Jeremy Wade’s dangerous mission is dead set on unraveling the mysteries of the deep.
Mysteries of the Deep is slated to air in 2020 (date TBA) on Discovery.