Josh Gates searches for India’s Atlantis as he looks for Dwarka on Expedition Unknown

Josh Gates searches for Dwarka on Expedition Unknown
Josh Gates searches for Dwarka on Expedition Unknown

This week on Expedition Unknown heads to India as he searches for Dwarka, the sub-continent’s version of Atlantis.

The name comes from the Sanskrit word Dvāravatī that means the many-gated city and it is described in ancient texts as being surrounded by walls and having four main gates.

Dwarka was said to be home to hundreds of palaces and unimaginable wealth
Dwarka was said to be home to hundreds of palaces and unimaginable wealth

It was also said to have been built on submerged land and to have been one of the richest cities on Earth with walls studded with gems.

A painting of the long lost city
A painting of the long lost city

In 2001 the Indian government announced they had found some ruins in the Gulf of Khambhat but further analysis of the objects and wooden samples found proved inconclusive.

Josh heads below the waves for some underwater archeology
Josh heads below the waves for some underwater archeology

The sea levels in the area have risen around 100 meters in the last few thousand years so it makes smaller finds quite hard to pin down as being evidence of large scale human occupation.

They find something, but what is it?
They find something, but what is it?

Josh goes diving in the Arabian Sea as he and the team search for evidence of this mythical lost city.

Expedition Unknown airs on Wednesdays at 9:00 PM on Travel Channel. 

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