
Joy Behar is confident as she says her co-hosts ‘haven’t got a chance’

Joy Behar on The View
Joy Behar is confident she is winning this contest. Pic credit: ABC

The ladies of The View don’t always get along on the show. They often spar and talk over each other and get excited over their differing opinions.

Recently, they were discussing a fight in Congress, and they all spoke up about whether they would physically fight with someone.

As previously reported on Monsters and Critics, Sara Haines said she could never fight someone, and Joy Behar could not believe it one bit. She said, “Really? On this show, you’ve never felt that way?” But Sara was quick to say no.

One thing the ladies do come together for is their love of animals – dogs specifically.

Brian Teta, the executive producer of The View, has announced a competition between the ladies on the show.

He is calling it The View Pooch Pageant. The ladies with dogs will bring them to compete in this exciting new spectacle.

Joy has some fighting words for the other ladies

The other day, Brian had Joy on his podcast, The View: Behind the Table. Among other things, they discussed The View’s Pooch Pageant that is coming up.

He said to Joy, “They are very competitive, these ladies. They want to win.”

The chatter turned to Joy’s dog, Bernie, and Ana Navarro’s dog, Cha-Cha. They are generally thought of as the most popular dogs on the panel.

Brian continued telling Joy there would be some pet experts and Sara Haines to judge the dogs. While a huge dog lover, Sara doesn’t have one of her own.

After asking Joy if she was confident in Bernie’s ability to win, Brian elaborated that the contest would be judged on appearance, energy, personality, and skills.

“Skills? Well, Bernie vacuums,” Joy quipped back.

The talk took a turn when Brain told Joy that Ana had been texting a producer asking how her dog, Cha-Cha, could win.

Joy said, “Very competitive these girls. I have no qualms about this. No dog in this crowd can compete with Bernie.”

Brain mentioned that Sunny Hostin is bringing two dogs, and her husband, Manny, handles one. Joy sniped at Brian, “Oh really? She has two shots at this?”

Brian replied, “Lots of jealousy… it’s gonna really change the way the table interacts with each other after this.”

“Listen, those b***hes haven’t got a chance against Bernie,” Joy replied confidently.

Joy Behar had a scare over the summer when her dog, Bernie, was lost during the Fourth of July celebration. She and her husband looked everywhere, and the police in the town finally found him.

Bernie has his own Instagram account, and Joy recently posted a video around Halloween.

Joy Behar’s dog, Bernie, and his Instagram

Ana Navarro’s dog has a real shot at winning the competition. He is very well-traveled, and besides having his own Instagram account, he is often featured on Ana’s page.

Ana posted several photos of Cha-cha on her trip to Panama. She even told her fans about the rude person at the airport who called her dog an emotional support ferret. The nerve of some people!

Fans looking forward to The View Pooch Pageant will certainly not be disappointed in the show.

The View airs weekdays at 11/10c on ABC.

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