
Joy Behar had to be reminded that ‘murder is wrong’ by her co-hosts on The View

Joy Behar Smiling At Event
Joy Behar had to be reminded that ‘murder is wrong’ today on The VIew. Pic credit: ©

Joy Behar’s first week back to The View after her horrible time with COVID-19 and then the long holiday break has not gone well.

She embarrassed herself today on The View during an interview with the newly released from prison, Gypsy Rose Blanchard.

Gypsy has made headlines since her early release from prison for arranging to have her mother killed. She was granted parole from the Chillicothe Correctional Center on December 28, 2023.

Gypsy’s mother suffered from Munchausen syndrome by proxy, a mental disorder in which a caretaker makes their charge sick or makes it seem as if they are to garner attention.

Joy was the moderator today since Whoopi was off for her usual three-day weekend.

It was speculated that Gypsy would be on The View this week, and Joy asked her about her life now. During the latter part of the interview, Joy made a blunder.

Joy Behar forgot that ‘murder is wrong’ today on The View

During the segment, Gypsy talked about how she wanted to use her new platform for good and put the past behind her. Gypsy was fortunate to have escaped her horrible situation but realized she “did it the wrong way.”

When those words left her mouth, Joy jumped in and told Gypsy, “Don’t say that! You had no choice!” seemingly to imply that murder was the only thing Gypsy could have done, thereby condoning murder.

The other hosts jumped in to clarify what Joy was implying. One of the ladies could be heard saying, “Where are you going with this?”

Ana Navarro jokingly said, “Murder is wrong, Joy!”

Joy could only hang her head in shame and embarrassment once she realized what she had said.

Fans of The View come to Joy’s defense

The clip on The View’s YouTube channel had many comments about Gypsy and Joy. Most seemed to know that Joy did not mean that it was okay to murder anyone.

Interspersed with comments of encouragement for Gypsy, many fans realized that Joy’s comment was just a funny gaffe and knew she did not mean to imply that murder was Gypsy’s only choice in her situation.

One fan posted on The View’s YouTube feed, saying, “Joy can make us laugh no matter what! She’s the queen!”

And another pointed out something that many fans already know: “Joy is hilarious without even trying?!?!”

The View fans comments on YouTube
Fans weigh in. Pic credit: @TheView/YouTube

Joy gracefully took a blunder like today and continued the interview without any other problems.

The View airs weekdays at 11/10c on ABC.

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