
Joy Behar shades Sunny Hostin’s parenting choices in on-air jab

Joy Behar and Sunny Hostin at different events
Joy Behar got a jab in at Sunny Hostin on a recent The Weekend View. Pic credit: ©

The latest episode of The Weekend View provided Joy Behar with a perfect opportunity to criticize Sunny Hostin’s parenting views.

Joy Behar recently led an interview with Wendy Williams on The View, discussing the former talk show host’s guardianship and all it entails.

The topic appeared on The Weekend View before Joy turned to other issues, including Lady Gaga and something bold she did on a recent date.

The Weekend View is The View’s new show, featuring lighter topics such as reality television stars and fun looks at the hosts’ lives.

This time, something that Lady Gaga revealed in an interview with Michael Strahan had Joy going after Sunny on The Weekend View.

Lady Gaga spoke to the Good Morning America veteran host. She admitted she asked her now-fiance, Michael Polansky if he wanted marriage and kids soon after dating him.

Joy blasted Sunny over her helicopter parenting

Joy brought up Lady Gaga’s interview, and the ladies discussed speaking up early on about dating, children, and marriage plans. Most of the ladies thought it was a great idea; as Sara Haines explained, “Why waste time?”

As Sunny revealed something that happened in her own life, Joy took the perfect shot at her for her close-knit helicopter parenting of her children, Gabriel and Paloma.

Sunny shared, “My son was recently dating someone, and she said to me and my husband, ‘Well yeah, I don’t think I ever want kids.'”

After pausing for dramatic effect, Sunny continued, “Well, I don’t want you to date my son because I want grandchildren.”

Joy asked how Sunny’s son, Gabriel, felt about the girlfriend and her plans.
Sunny said, “It was a deal breaker for him too,” as the new girlfriend hit the curb.

Joy stopped Sunny and savagely said, “You didn’t have any influence over that, right?”

Fans react to Sunny’s parenting views

Joy isn’t the only one who has something to say about Sunny and her influence on her children. Fans on Reddit started a topic speaking about Sunny and her “future grandchildren.”

One fan asked about Sunny’s pressure on her “kids to produce” grandbabies and how it feels wrong. The same fan also had something to say about Joy and how they loved her “jumping in ‘well what were your son’s thoughts on that?'”

The View fan unloads about Sunny Hostin
A fan unloads on Reddit about Sunny Hostin. Pic credit: u/Little_Scientist7493/r/theview/

Other fans agreed. One said, “Joy said it best!!” Another called Sunny a “helicopter parent” before finishing, “Glad she wasn’t my mother.”

The View fans react to Sunny Hostin and Joy Behar
The View fans react to Joy Behar’s response to Sunny Hostin. Pic credit: u/Little_Scientist7493/r/theview/

One last fan in the sample said, “Sunny is going to be THAT mother in law that will be clingy to her son and will NOT get along…future daughter in law…she’s a crazy control freak.”

The View airs weekdays at 11/10c on ABC.

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