
Let’s Make a Deal host Wayne Brady calls out contestant’s wild response: ‘Don’t clean it up now’

lets make a deal host wayne brady face shot from cbs episode
Let’s Make a Deal host Wayne Brady was momentarily speechless after a contestant’s response. Pic credit: CBS

Let’s Make a Deal host Wayne Brady is great at handling random moments, but sometimes contestants standing on stage leave him stunned or confused.

Several weeks ago, he shut down a man dressed as a giant pickle who made a random request on stage involving pickles.

More recently, he seemed at a loss for words after one contestant’s wild and hilarious response during a game.

The highlight moment arrived earlier this week on the CBS game show, which has aired new episodes while The Price Is Right airs reruns.

Wayne had a husband-and-wife team on stage to play a guessing game involving describing various things with sounds.

However, one guess during the game had the audience laughing as Wayne paused with a perplexed look.

Wayne called out a contestant’s surprising response during Let’s Make a Deal game

Wayne called a husband and wife dressed as the halves of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on stage. He informed them they automatically won $1,000 but would play for more money in a game called “My Husband Sounds Like a.”

The wife, Lori, turned her back, and Wayne revealed words written on a card to her husband. The husband, Craig, needed to make sounds to get his wife to guess what was on the card.

Wayne had three cards, and they could win $1,000 for each one they got right.

The duo started off great, with Chris making the whistling sound of a tea kettle on the stove.

“My husband sounds like a teapot,” Lori said, with Wayne saying they’d accept that answer.

Things got crazy from there, though. Wayne announced the category for the next one was a place.

He showed the husband a card that said “Farm” on it, and Craig began making several farm animal noises.

“Moo” and “Baa” were his first noises, followed by Craig snorting like a pig or hog before chuckling.

“My husband sounds like he’s in the bedroom?” Lori asked, seeming confused.

Immediately, audience members began laughing, and some looked surprised by the response. Wayne froze at the moment, staring at the back of Lori’s head.

“I’m thinking the yard sounds. You’re in your bedroom,” Lori tried to explain.

“Oh, don’t clean it up now,” Wayne replied as people continued laughing at her previous remarks.

“Oh, my goodness. A farm?” Wayne said as the incorrect buzzer sounded.

“You said bedroom so fast, too. Wow,” the host said.

LMAD fans also loved the ‘hilarious’ moment

On the YouTube video showing the memorable Let’s Make a Deal moment, fans shared their thoughts about what happened. Many expressed that the wife’s guess was humorous and surprising.

“Everyone’s reaction to her saying he’s in the bedroom was priceless,” one commenter wrote.

Another asked, “What is going on in that bedroom???”

One commenter called it “hilarious” and added, “E-I-E-I-OMG!! LOL.”

screenshot of youtube comments about lets make a deal bedroom guess
Pic credit: @letsmakeadeal/YouTube

A fan commented that this highlight provided “Another peanut butter and jelly classic.”

The husband tried his best on the final card to make sounds for a rollercoaster. However, his wife thought he was making noises like a train.

Husband and wife later passed up an ironic prize on LMAD

Following that incorrect guess, Wayne reminded them they’d still won something.

“The good news is, you got yourself $2,000,” he said, adding, “You little freaky freaks.”

The host offered them the opportunity to trade the cash for a gift bag that announcer Jonathan Mangum had. However, they chose to keep the money, missing out on a humorously ironic prize.

Inside the gift bag was a sign revealing “Curtain One.” Once the curtain opened, model Tiffany Coyne stood with a bed and other bedroom furniture.

screengrab from lets make a deal episode on cbs from december 2024
Let’s Make a Deal model Tiffany Coyne presents a prize behind the curtain. Pic credit: CBS

“It’s a new farm!” Jonathan hilariously announced.

The couple missed out on a prize worth over $8,000 but left with their cash and what appears to be a happy marriage!

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