Love After Lockup was a reality show that caught viewers by surprise. Season 1 followed six people who fell in love with inmates and wanted to begin a life with them once they were released. As the show went on, the stories all evolved and many went sideways.
A second season of Love After Lockup has been confirmed, but first, fans will get an update on all of the couples from Season 1 starting this coming Friday. While there were six couples, there are only five specials. Apparently, two couples will be sharing one episode.
Johnna and Garrett
To start off, the first Love After Lockup catch up show will feature Johnna and Garrett. This was the couple who garnered the most attention.
Garrett was the good-looking inmate and Johnna was dubbed the controlling girlfriend. She wanted to get married so badly, and when it finally came down to it, she decided against it.
Since then, Johnna moved from Florida to Texas and has been pretty upfront on social media about what happened between her and Garrett. In fact, he is reportedly still dating the girl he allegedly cheated on Johnna with. With their story airing this Friday, there is a definite interest in what they will say about one another.
Alla and James
Next up will be Alla and James. Remember, she was caught using again and her near overdose was actually caught on camera. Their relationship was heavily criticized by those closest to James and when it was revealed that Alla relapsed, there was almost a sigh of relief.
As the story unfolds, Love After Lockup fans know that Alla was sent back to prison. James had another relationship in the time since Alla was gone again, but it appears things didn’t work out. He occasionally pops on social media but isn’t nearly as active as some fans would like.
Mary and Dom
Mary and Dom were one of the less climatic couples on Love After Lockup. Their relationship seemed to be distant but they ended up married and have shared various updates on social media.
Could the updated story come with big news? It seems Mary and Dom got the happily ever after that everyone else so desperately wanted.
Andrea and Lamar
Andrea and Lamar are up next and at this point, Love After Lockup fans have no idea what to expect from them. When Season 1 ended, it looked like things were okay but anything could have changed since then.
They garnered a lot of attention for their relationship, especially because Andrea had children and her choice to include them in parts of this journey had many viewers questioning her choices.
Love After Lockup will present their story and an update. Right now the jury is out on whether or not they are sticking it out, but some fans believe they remained together and things worked out.
If not, Andrea will have a lot of pleading to do with her friends who were less than supportive of her choices.
Scottie and Lizzie/Angela and Tony
And finally, the last episode of the updated stories from Season 1 of Love After Lockup will be a mashup of Scottie and Lizzie with Angela and Tony. These were the two older people who were waiting for the significant others to be released. Neither one had a face to face reunion on Season 1 like the previous four couples.
There isn’t much expectation that either of these couples made it, especially given the shady stories behind them. Love After Lockup fans felt sorry for Scottie, especially because Lizzie was reportedly a notorious con artist who used people over and over again.
These updates should refresh viewers enough and keep them interested in the second season of Love After Lockup. This show was different than what many had expected, and it was given the green light for another season almost instantly.
Love After Lockup update stories begin airing Friday, October 19 at 10/9c on WEtv.