America’s Got Talent this week sees teenage magician Henry Richardson wow the judges with an incredible card trick — but that’s not his only talent, as he’s also an expert at cardistry.
Henry is just 15 years old and first got into magic by…watching magicians on America’s Got Talent!
During his appearance, he reveals how he used to watch every episode with his dad when his younger.
He also said that his dream is to perform in front of as many people as possible during his career — and just leave his audience happy.
The first trick he does on America’s Got Talent sees him swap a card in former Spice Girl Mel B’s hand for one in his own.
In the second trick he gets Simon Cowell to pick a page from his doodle notepad and then imagine what he sees.
Henry then gets Mel B to tear her card in half and inside she finds exactly what Simon was imagining — a soccer ball.
But the bewildering trick is just one of a whole host that Henry can do as a magician.
Henry is from Brooklyn, New York, and describes himself on his socials as a “Professional Harry Potter”.
However, as well as magic he is also a deft hand at “cardistry” — the art of shuffling, performing tricks and creating patterns with cards in your hands.
Watch the amazing video of him practicing as he walks down the street below:
Henry has been practicing magic and cardistry for several years now, and spends much of his free time improving his skills.
Watch his performance on AGT below, and check him out on his Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to find out more.
America’s Got Talent airs Tuesdays at 8/7c on NBC.