In the seventh episode of season one of Mayans M.C, Cucaracha/K’uruch, an unlikely alliance is made and a new secret divides the club. It all begins with EZ inside the RV preparing the next intel drop for Kevin. We see that EZ has been collecting audio cassettes to put in the drops.
In the temple, Bishop and Hank, Taza discusses that Miguel was taken in by border patrol. Angel enters in the middle of their conversation to explain the night they lost track of Dennis at Alice’s place. Angel lies saying Gilly fell through the soft ground on the Ariza property, Ariza being the last name of Riz and Vicky, which turned out to be a tunnel system that led both to Mexico and Vicky’s basement.
Angel, without running it by Coco and Gilly, threw Riz, the club secretary under the bus as a potential suspect to take the heat off Coco. Bishop requests this information stay between the men in the room.
When Angel leaves the temple he receives a text message with a single crown emoji from Adelita. Angel grabs EZ from the RV, who manages to hide his bag of intel, and the two leave for the dress warehouse.

We see Angel moving through the clubs tunnel system, with Adelita who is disguised as EZ, when they meet up at a van with EZ waiting in the driver’s seat.
Back at the border, Emily, Dita, and Devonte are still waiting for Miguel. They are wearing the same clothes from the previous day, having not left since Miguel and Cristobal were separated.
While in the van, Adelita questions about EZ and Angel about their mother and father. The Reyes brothers then remark that their father Felipe still keeps Mama Reyes’ ashes in the home. They drop Adelita off where a car is waiting for her.

At the clubhouse, the scene opens in the middle of a conversation between Angel, Coco, and Gilly. Angel has just explained Adelita’s next move, which is not yet revealed to the audience.
EZ is sent outside to detail the motorcycles while the club is called into the temple and Coco’s daughter Leti arrives with Chucky.
In the temple, the Mayans discuss the situation with Galindo has caused Alvarez to get back involved, who is on his way back to Santo Padre. Miguel’s absence will not impact Mayan business, as Hank suggests keeping some manpower in Santo Padre, while he facilitates a business deal with the SOA. Suspecting Riz, Bishop orders Riz to stay behind. While Leti is eating breakfast in the clubhouse, Coco finally introduces his daughter to the whole charter.

At Felipe’s house, he notices the urn of ashes is missing. Is it then that he sees Adelita in the dining room armed with a gun looking at the urn of ashes. Adelita shows Felipe a polaroid photo identical to one he has of him and his partner, Pedro. We learn that Adelita found it while she was hiding from the cartel as they murdered her family.
Adelita reveals that her father left Mexico in 1988, got a new name and a new life but betrayed by his partner. Suspecting that Felipe is responsible for selling out her father, she came to exact revenge.
It then cuts to Kevin meeting with his boss, Lawrence Bowen, who explains to Kevin that EZ’s deal has been pulled and a BOLO put out on Reyes.
Adelita still holding Felipe at gunpoint, listens to him explain his relationship with her father. He shows her the identical photo of him and his partner which shows that the photo she possessed had the decapitated heads portion torn off. Adelita learns that her father wasn’t who she thought he was.
Felipe then explains that someone Adelita already knows, Father Rodrigo, helped create their identities after they left. The two conclude that Father Rodrigo was the only one who would have known her father’s identity and location and was the one responsible for her family’s death. Adelita then asks to borrow the photo of her father Felipe and father Rodrigo before leaving the house.

Hank, Gilly, Angel, Creeper and EZ meet up with the Sons of Anarchy SAMDINO chapter, to purchase guns. While the Mayans and Sons unload the weapons, EZ steps off to speak to Kevin who warns EZ that his boss, Lawrence Bowen, has pulled his deal and not to get caught by local police in front of the club. Kevin is calling EZ from his car, where he watches his boss leave work before following him.
While in holding, Miguel is getting pushed around by a man in the same cage. Miguel verbally degrades the man, comparing him to the cockroach crawling on the floor between them. Miguel then strangles the man with his shirt.
While EZ and the club members are riding back from the meet up with the Reaper Crew, they passed by a highway patrol officer, who recognizes EZ Reyes.

As Coco is dropping Leti off at his mother’s house, he discusses the possibility of her moving in with him. Leti and her grandmother get into an argument about the stolen car and the cops finding Albert’s body in the trunk. After the argument, Coco gives his daughter money to help her out and when he leaves Celia fights with Leti, taking the money from her.
Celia explains that her father is not going to be around for very long and she would be better off prostituting herself. Leti goes into the bathroom and hits her head on the toilet seat in order to acquire injuries to blame on Celia.

The police officer calls for backup and pulls over Hank, EZ, and the other club members. Hank advises the guys to keep their cool and be polite and not give him a reason to search their bikes. Knowing that the club members are carrying illegal firearms and that getting apprehended in front of them would expose his deal, EZ tears off to get the police to chase him.
Meanwhile, Felipe is driving his truck out of the USA, as the camera pans to his firearms on the seat of the truck.
EZ is eventually stopped by a police barricade when he surrenders before being beaten by the officers.

We see Kevin’s boss Bowen forgetting the lock combination to Lincoln Potter’s boardroom. Inside the boardroom, Lincoln Potter has photos of every Mayans M.C. member, Galindo cartel member, and Emily Thomas listed as “Plan B”.
Kevin Jimenez interrupts the meeting, informing Potter that Miguel Galindo is being held at the border. Potter removes the BOLO from EZ Reyes and puts his informant deal back into play.

The security guards move Miguel from the holding cage to a basement where Adelita is waiting for him. Adelita shows Miguel a laptop with the live video feed of his poppy fields, refinery and distribution hubs. She gives the order through a walkie-talkie for her rebels to destroy some of his operation properties.
When Miguel is unfazed she then shows him live footage of his other properties saying that if they’re destroyed then it will allow Lobo Sonora to move in and take over his business. She then explains if the Galindo cartel falls then another will take its place and the cycle continues.
We learn Adelitas true motive, which is to use the Los Olvidados as footman to distance the cartel from the violence in return for a cut of the heroin profits to aid civilians and restore society. She explains until they learn to trust each other they will need a third party to keep them honest.
Adelita orders the security guards to give Miguel his son back and release him. Miguel returns home with Cristobal and Emily is reunited with her son.

Back at the clubhouse, while the club is putting away the guns bought from the Sons of Anarchy, EZ returns since Potter removed the BOLO from EZ and allowed him to go free. Bishop warns EZ to never act up again or he will be out. Riz then comments heading over to Vicky’s to which Hank and Bishop exchange looks.
As EZ steps outside Chucky pulls up with Leti showing her self-inflicted wounds, blaming it on her grandmother Celia. When Coco sees Leti’s injuries he speeds off on his motorcycle to handle his mother.
In the underground tunnels, we find that Riz is guiding immigrants under the border through his tunnels. As Riz is coming up from the hatch; Bishop, Hank, Angel and Taza catch him in the act.
At Celia’s house, Coco breaks in the door as she is taking a bath. After hitting her, she threatens to tell the cops that Coco stole her car and assaulted her. Coco then drowns his mother in the bathtub.

EZ returns to his father’s house to find Felipe is gone. He finds the lockbox on the kitchen table where he sees his father’s birth certificate, learning his father’s true identity.

At the Galindo house, the family is enjoying having Cristobal back, when the lights go out. As Galindo and his men search the house Emily and Cristobal are left alone. Afraid, Emily steps outside to see the DEA and CISEN has swarmed the house and arrested Miguel and his men. Approaching behind her is Lincoln Potter. The episode ends as Potter refers to Emily first as Mrs. Galindo and then as Miss Thomas.
Mayans M.C. airs Tuesday at 10/9c on FX, with FX+ subscribers receiving early access to new episodes hours before the cable premiere.