
Mr. Blue song perfectly ties up the end of BoJack Horseman on Netflix

Mr. Blue song perfectly ties up the end of Bojack Horseman on Netflix
Mr. Blue ends Bojack Horseman on a perfect note. Pic credit: Netflix

BoJack Horseman came to an end on Netflix and the show ended with the Catherine Feeny song Mr. Blue.

The final season had the lowest of lows for BoJack Horseman, but he came out okay in the end, although nothing was the same anymore. However, for a song about depression and addiction, it was a perfect end.

Here is a look a the Mr. Blue song on BoJack Horseman and what it meant for the end of the show.

There will be BoJack Horseman spoilers to follow. 

How did BoJack Horseman end?

BoJack Horseman’s ending was played out through three episodes. One of them paid off a long-running fan theory, the next showed the aftermath of that moment, and the final episode paid off the character’s journeys through the six seasons.

It started out with the episode Angela.

For years, people have theorized that BoJack Horseman would end with his death. That moment appeared to happen in this episode as BoJack sunk to the deepest of his depression, gets drunk and high, and then falls into his swimming pool facefirst.

Even the opening credits of BoJack Horseman shows this moment, and fans have long thought that BoJack would die in his pool.

The next episode, The View From Halfway Down, then had BoJack Horseman in the afterlife, where he met up with people that passed before him.

However, BoJack Horseman was not a show that would end with his death.

As mentioned, BoJack Horseman is a show about depression and addiction and having him die sends the wrong message to viewers who suffer from these afflictions. If BoJack can’t find his redemption and happy place, can they?

This show won’t put its viewers, specifically those suffering from depression, through that.

No, BoJack Horseman lives. However, in the final episode, he doesn’t die, but he does go to prison.

Mr. Blue song on BoJack Horseman

The final episode wouldn’t end with BoJack Horseman in prison, though. It instead chose to pay off the relationships viewers have watched over the years.

BoJack gets to have one last conversation with Diane, the one person he had the closest relationship with on the show. However, she is leaving to move to Houston with her husband Guy. This might be the last time they see each other.

BoJack gets to go to Princess Carolyn’s wedding. His former lover and manager, and now friend, gets her happy moment and BoJack is there to witness this.

The only person that BoJack doesn’t get to have a moment with is his sister Hollyhock, who likely let him know they would never have a relationship again.

That brings us to the song, Mr. Blue.

It played out over the end and has a lot to say about what played out on the final episode of BoJack Horseman.

Mr. Blue / I told you that I love you / Please believe me
Mr. Blue / I have to go now / Darling don’t be angry

That right there encompasses the entire relationship between BoJack Horseman and both Diane and Carolyn.

I know that you’re tired / I know that you’re sour and sick and sad / For some reason / And I can see it in your face / You’ve been waiting to break / Since you woke up this morning

That is the perfect description of the feelings that someone who suffers from depression, as BoJack Horseman does. It is hard and it makes him feel broken.

However, there are the final lines that really hammers home what the ending of BoJack Horseman is about.

Mr. Blue
Don’t hold your head so low that you can’t see the sky
Mr. Blue
It ain’t so long since you were flying high

BoJack Horseman’s ending is about him moving on in his life. Things may not have gone how he hoped, but the hope is that he can move on, learn and live. Maybe find love again one day. It is all about hope.

BoJack: “Lifes a bitch and then you die, right?”

Diane: “Sometimes. Sometimes life’s a bitch and then you keep living.”

The final eight episodes of season 6 of BoJack Horseman are now streaming on Netflix.

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