Killing Bigfoot is an all-new series that follows a group of hunters who are determined to bag a Sasquatch.
Premiering on Destination American, the six-part series follows the Gulf Coast Bigfoot Research Organization (GCBRO) as they try to kill a Bigfoot.
Bobby Hamilton hails from Texas and he’s been hunting for a Bigfoot since a childhood encounter with a Sasquatch. After years and no concrete evidence emerging of the cryptid, he’s hooked up with his friend Jim Lansdale and formed the GCBRO.
The rest of the team is made up of former-cops, vets, medical personnel and even a body removal expert. There’s Barry ”Bear” Shockemoehl, Bob ”Grumpy” Wilson, Jake Lansdale, Michael ”Timber” Humphreys, Brandi Hamilton, Don ”Don Don” McDonald, Rogan Bird and Ken Auenson.
They plan to help locals terrorised by the creature and kill a Bigfoot, providing scientific proof of its existence in the process.

In the first episode the hunters face some local opposition at the Honobia Bigfoot Conference in Oklahoma. Many of the attendees think if there are Sasquatch roaming the hills then they should be left alone and not hunted down.

Later the team head to Louisiana, where there has reportedly been Bigfoot hit and run. They find a small primate skull and it is sent off to the lab for examination. The locals have been reporting sightings of an orangutan-type creature in the woods for a while and there have also been tales of a bolder creature entering homes and farms.

Unlike the folks on Finding Bigfoot, this team are armed with more than cameras – so we guess Bigfoot better watch out!
Catch Killing Bigfoot Saturdays at 10/9c on Destination America.