
The ladies of Love & Hip Hop head to Mexico for some Cancun fun

This week on Love & Hip Hop, the ladies head to Cancun for a much needed break from the city. They arrive at The Pyramid At Grand Oasis and Kimbella just loves the place, she says it’s: “out of this world, only been here for a few minutes and I’m already in heaven. I’m ready

Black Sails recap: Pirate invasion of Nassau meets with catastrophe in XXIX

SPOILERS The premiere episode of Starz’ Black Sails Season 4 sees Eleanor Guthrie’s reinvention as Woodes Rogers’ proper wife and her betrayal of the pirate class she once bartered with. Meanwhile the new bad actors of the island who carry out Rogers’ iron-fisted rule make the remaining alpha pirates — Flint, Teach, Silver and Bones —

Lady Luck and LeA are cursing cousins on First Family of Hip Hop

On this week’s episode of First Family of Hip Hop, Shanell “Lady Luck” Jones and LeA Robinson try to talk things out but it ends in a shouting match. The pair are having some issues over business and try to work it out over a cosy chat. Shanell starts by explaining to LeA that she feels


Freethinkers sceptic group needs convincing and footprints point to Sasquatch on Finding Bigfoot

This week on Finding Bigfoot, the team meet sceptic group the Fayettesville Freethinkers and investigate footprints in Minnesota. Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization’s Matt Moneymaker is never afraid to confront sceptics head on and is keen to find out what the Fayettesville Freethinkers think about Bigfoot. He and the team head to the Mid American Science Museum to meet


Sister Wives question and answer session part 2

This week on Sister Wives, the expose continues as the Browns answer questions about their complex lives. Over the seasons the family have gone through everything from relationship disasters to weddings, but often fans have been left with unanswered questions. Now the show’s producers put some of those questions to the Sister Wives and we


Doggie drone deployed on The Guardians

This week on The Guardians, the team use a drone to check out reports of dogs on a hot tin roof. Access is a bit tricky so they call in support in the form of a friend with a drone. He uses this to get a top down view of the roof and sure enough