Hunting Hitler: Did Führer and Martin Bormann flee Berlin together after WWII?

Did Adolf Hitler and his private secretary Martin Bormann flee Berlin together after the end of World War 2? New links on History Channel’s Hunting Hitler tonight point to evidence that Bormann resurfaced in Argentina after the fighting ended. It has always been thought that Bormann, like Hitler, committed suicide in Berlin to avoid being

Elon Musk talks colonization on Mars: The Secret Science

Mars: The Secret Science has been looking at the work being done to put humans on the Red Planet and this episode Elon Musk explains his plans. The billionaire behind Tesla, SpaceX and SolarCity is always keen to be at the forefront of technology and push the limits, to this end he is planning to enable the

Who is Bianca Bonnie aka Young B. from Love & Hip Hop New York?

One of the main stars on this season of Love & Hip Hop: New York is Bianca Bonnie, formerly known as Young B. But who is she? Bianca was a supporting cast member on the VH-1 show in Season 6 but became a full-time cast member in Season 7. She is a singer-songwriter, as well as

Buzz Aldrin and Mike Massimino on StarTalk with Neil deGrasse Tyson

It’s an extra-special StarTalk with Neil deGrasse Tyson tonight — with former astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Mike Massimino both featured. Aldrin — one of the first two humans to land on the moon along with Neil Armstrong — talks in his interview with deGrasse Tyson about every astronaut’s worst nightmare: what would have happened if

WAGS Miami reunion special is almost as crazy as the season finale!

WAGS Miami is back for a reunion special, Tiki Barber hosts the discussion and the ladies don’t hold back. Do they ever you might say! The finale of this first season was pretty crazy with Ashley and Darnell facing off and Astrid and Metisha taking things way too far. But this reunion gives them the chance to sort

The Librarians battle Egyptian werewolves controlled by Apep

In this episode of The Librarians, the group are out to rescue Charlene and find themselves dealing with a pack of Egyptian werewolves. As you might expect with the werewolves being Egyptian the arch-enemy behind them is Apep and he’s laid an underground trap for the Librarians. The idea of Egyptian werewolves is not as far

Jeff gets slashed on the arm and Bob is injured on Project Grizzly

On this episode of Project Grizzly – Bob has an injured foot, the bears learn to forage and Jeff gets slashed on the arm. Bob is a little more playful than Screech, in this clip Jeff can feel the bear wants to take him down. It might all just be rough and tumble play for