Young mom has big plans and couple look to build brand on Project Runway: Fashion Startup

Project Runway: Fashion Startup
An entrepreneur pitches for investment Project Runway: Fashion Startup

On this week’s episode of Project Runway: Fashion Startup — a young mom has ambitious plans for her small company, a cancer survivor has a pitch inspired by her illness and another couple are trying to get their range on the Home Shopping Network.

One entrepreneur pitches for investment saying she needs the money to be able to get economies of scale when ordering, making her end products more profitable.

Also pitching are Allison Lamb and her wife, Talima Davis, who have a range of all-natural skin care products called Limegreen —  they are looking to get wider exposure and to make their Limegreen brand a household name.

Also on this week’s episode, a cancer survivor has been inspired by her experience of the illness to come up with a product.

Watch Project Runway: Fashion Startup – They’re Ripping You Off at 10:30 PM on Lifetime.

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