
1000-Lb. Sisters: Amy Slaton shares adorable pic of her sons

1000-Lb. Sisters star Amy Slaton shares a bonding moment between her sons.
Amy Slaton shares a sweet moment between her sons. Pic credit: TLC

Amy Slaton always dreamed of becoming a mother. After taking steps to improve her health, her wish came true twice.

The 1000-Lb. Sisters star first became pregnant just months after having gastric bypass surgery. Although she was in better shape after losing over 100 pounds, she was advised to wait a few years before getting pregnant.

Despite going against orders from her doctor, Amy had successfully delivered her first child – a boy she named Gage.

Not wanting to risk complications, her doctor again advised her to wait a couple of years before having more children. Amy still had weight to lose before reaching her goals, and her doctor wanted to ensure she stayed on track.

At the top of the year, however, Amy announced that she was pregnant with her second child. Throughout her pregnancy, she comforted her fans by letting them know she was still working towards her goals and was still losing weight.

On July 5, Amy and her husband Michael welcomed their second son into the world. They named him Glenn, and according to Amy, his presence has completed their family.

Amy Slaton shares a pic of her sons’ bonding

Just weeks after giving birth, Amy returned to social media to share photos of her newborn son.

In a recent post on Instagram, she let her followers see a sweet bonding moment between her boys. The pic she posted shows Gage holding Glenn as they both sit cozily in Amy’s lap.

Glenn is bundled up and sleeping, while Gage flashes a giant smile to the camera as he cradles his baby brother.

In her caption, Amy wrote, “Gage wanted to hold Glenn. My heart [is] full tonight.”

Prior to Glenn’s birth, Amy shared that he would be the last child for the couple. After battling high blood pressure and wanting to continue her weight loss journey, she felt it was best to stop having kids.

Amy revealed she got her tubes tied after undergoing a C-section to deliver Glenn. She says she is happy with her two boys and is excited for them to have a close relationship while growing up.

Amy Slaton plans to continue losing weight

During her pregnancy, Amy admitted to not being perfect on her health journey. She admitted that she was still smoking and eating unhealthy foods at times. However, she says she incorporated more fruits and vegetables into her diet and was more conscious about what she was eating.

Amy visited her doctor regularly, and despite being pregnant, she did continue to shed some pounds. She has expressed her desire to keep losing weight and to improve her relationship with food.

In addition to being mindful of her health, Amy hopes to pass on positive eating and exercise habits to her sons. Her goal is to ensure that her kids have the knowledge surrounding health and wellness that she never had as a child.

1000-Lb. Sisters is currently on hiatus and streaming on Discovery+.

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