
90 Day Fiance: Karine Martins releases statement after CPS steps in and removes kids

Karine Martins
Karine Martins has released a statement to 90 Day Fiance fans after CPS took her children. Pic credit: TLC

Former 90 Day Fiance star Karine Martins has finally released the statement she promised regarding the status of her two children with her estranged husband Paul Staehle after CPS took them away.

90 Day Fiance fans learned about the escalation of events with Paul and Karine’s two young boys after their oldest son Pierre was listed as missing and potentially in danger.

Paul reacted to the situation by letting the 90 Day community know that Pierre was with him and safe. To that end, he said he brought Pierre with him on a work trip but was bringing him back to sort out the custody issues.

According to Paul, the children were set to be removed from their care after Karine made domestic violence allegations against him, and she was charged with domestic violence herself. When the CPS worker went to pick up the children from Paul’s mom’s house and found that Pierre was not there, that triggered the missing person report.

Karine has spoken out but did not address the exact details in her social media announcement.

Karine Martins shares an announcement after CPS took her children

Amid the drama and breaking news about her two children being taken by CPS, Karine has issued a statement.

Her response did not touch on her children’s exact status and well-being, but it covered part of her perspective and what she’s been facing.

Karine used her Instagram story to write, “Good night, how are you? Forgive me for appearing only in extreme situations, I’m even trying to be much more present with you, but due to several adverse situations that have been happening I end up withdrawing, not for my followers I love them.”

She continued, “I’m following all the guidelines required of me so that I can stay with my children, however, there are some websites and ig, ‘stating that I’m at parties, clubs, and things like that.'”

Karine went on to explain, “Here things are much stricter and in a situation that I find myself in, they post this and can end up harming me to what I so long for. Slander, lies, is also a crime and it will not go unpunished.”

Karine Martins' Instagram story
Karine shared her response to her current drama. Pic credit: @staehlekarine/Instagram

Paul Staehle says his parents have also been deemed unfit to take his children

In Paul’s response to the situation with his children, he also let 90 Day Fiance fans know that his parents had also been deemed unfit to take care of the children.

With that said, he asserted that both boys were up for adoption but that he was trying to get custody of them back soon.

90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days is currently on hiatus.

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2 years ago

I feel for the Boys. Both parent’s are looney. Crazy.

Nicole Emde
Nicole Emde
2 years ago

There is no way those kids are already up for adoption. The parents are given at least a year to work through a case plan. Hopefully mom is given a chance to work at it as well.

2 years ago

Karine needs to get away from Paul . In past episodes of 90 Days fiance, you can clearly see that he has a mental problem and should be helped. His own mother didn’t want him to live in her home. I think Paul is a narcissist and very controlling. I hope that she gets her children back, divorce him and go on with her life. He clearly needs help.

2 years ago

I hold TLC responsible for what these children are going through. It was obvious from the very beginning that both parents had mental issues and were not the brightest crayons in the box. Shame on 90 Day Fiance for enabling such dysfunction!