
90 Day Fiance: Kobe defends telling Emily she gained weight since he last saw her

Emily and Kobe of 90 Day Fiance
90 Day Fiance newbie Kobe told Emily she gained weight and he defended his statement. Pic credit: @emm_babbyy/Instagram

90 Day Fiance newbie Kobe Blaise has an explanation for telling Emily that she gained weight.

This season on 90 Day Fiance, viewers met six new couples alongside returning couple Biniyam Shibre and Ariela Weinberg.

Among the six new couples are 29-year-old Emily, a native of Kansas, and Kobe, a 34-year-old native of Cameroon. The couple met while Emily was teaching English in China and Kobe was doing work as an underwear model.

Their romance is a whirlwind story, with Emily becoming pregnant after a one-night stand, followed by a quick engagement.

Kobe comments on Emily’s weight gain during 90 Day Fiance trailer

During the trailer for Season 9 of 90 Day Fiance, Kobe makes a remark to Emily that didn’t sit well with many viewers. As they reunited in an airport, Kobe noted that Emily had gained weight and didn’t look the same as when he last saw her.

“She’s changed. She’s gained weight, but it’s not about how she looks,” Kobe told producers during the scene, seemingly shocking Emily as evidenced by her open-mouthed expression.

In a recent interview, Kobe addressed the comment and had an explanation for it.

Kobe explains reason behind comment on Emily’s weight

“So when I made that comment about she’s gained weight, I mean, I love her for who she is and we can always do something about her weight gain. It’s not like I am mad or I’m angry. That is not even something that would disturb me. If you love somebody, it’s not just about the size, you know?” Kobe told ET’s Melicia Johnson.

For her part, Emily described how Kobe’s comment made her feel, “I was really emotional, I hadn’t seen him in two years and, like, I was really worried about our connection.”

“I was so worried that two years went by, I look so different, you know? I had our son [Koban], I was a size six when I met him and then I had gained all this baby weight,” Emily added. “I hadn’t lost it yet so I was really, really worried about that but then when we saw each other, it was seriously like nothing changed.”

Emily wasn’t offended by Kobe’s remarks amid their cultural differences

According to Kobe, his comments were rooted in cultural differences. “You know, it’s a cultural difference kind of thing. And besides, even before I came over she kept bugging me like, ‘You know I’ve gained weight,’ and stuff like that. I understand if you gain weight it’s because of the baby and the weight thing can always be worked upon. You can always do something about your weight if you want the weight to go away.”

“So, that is not something that would disturb me. If you love somebody, it’s not just about the size, you know?” Kobe continued. “Size, weight should be the least of the things. So when I made that comment that she’s gained weight, I mean, I love her for who she is and we can always do something about her weight gain.”

“It’s not like I’m mad or angry and besides, if I was back home, if someone says, ‘You’ve gained weight,’ it’s like … you’re living a healthy life.”

Emily didn’t disagree with Kobe’s remarks: “I mean, he wasn’t wrong. “I did gain weight. … and it’s not every woman drops the [baby] weight immediately nor should they have to.”

Kobe continued to elaborate on the topic: “You as a man, you have to understand the sacrifices that a woman has made, especially gaining that weight, so you have to make her get confidence in herself,” he says.

“Most women after they gain weight they have constant low self-esteem, but as men, you need to figure out how you can lift them up despite if she’s gained weight. So I try to, as much as I can, to make that happen with her.”

90 Day Fiance airs on Sundays at 8/7c on TLC and Discovery+.

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