
Actress Ariadne Joseph, former sister wife of Seeking Sister Wife’s Dimitri and Ashley Snowden, details alleged abuse

Ariadne Joseph and Ashley and Dimitri Snowden of Seeking Sister Wife
Actress Ariadne Joseph has spoken out against the Snowdens, alleging similar claims made by Christeline Petersen. Pic credit: TLC and John Yates/ YouTube

Actress Ariadne Joseph has detailed alleged abuse she claims she suffered while in a relationship with Seeking Sister Wife’s Dimitri and Ashley Snowden — and made various other shocking claims against the couple.

Ariadne, who was formerly in a polygynous relationship with Dimitri and Ashley, is now the fourth woman to make claims against the Snowdens. Christeline Petersen filed for restraining orders against Dimitri and Ashley earlier this year, but both were dissolved.

The Snowdens’ ex-wife, Vanessa Cobbs, recently broke her silence about the abuse allegations, as did Tayler Middleton, another potential sister wife who was featured on this season of the show.

New Orleans native speaks out in the wake of the Snowdens’ abuse scandal

During her Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald podcast, Ariadne revealed that she grew up in a radiational, conservative Christian home and admitted that polygyny was not something that she sought as a younger woman.

In a 90-minute interview with blogger John Yates, Ariadne then detailed her accounts of alleged abuse and claimed that she warned TLC about the couple, but never heard back from them.

Ariadne told how she met the Snowdens in a Facebook group for polygynists and began her relationship by first meeting with Ashley Snowden in person. Ariadne later visited the Snowdens after things apparently went well, and had started living with them before things reportedly went sour quickly.

Ariadne detailed ‘unconventional living conditions’ in the Snowdens’ home

Ariadne described unconventional living conditions she is said to have experienced while living in the Snowdens’ home. She claimed that the pair were often nude and that she was told it was their preference that wives not wear any clothing.

The house she lived in with the Snowdens was said to have been a small, two-bedroom apartment. The adults all reportedly shared a bed and she claimed she was not allowed to leave the home alone, but instead had to always be accompanied by either Dimitri or Ashley.

Ariadne claims Dimitri was physical with her and frightened her children

Ariadne claimed that during an argument, Dimitri put his hands around her and pushed her, causing her to hit into a table full of guns. She also claimed that Dimitri is a felon, convicted of car theft at a young age, and therefore not permitted to own guns.

Ariadne then detailed accounts of Dimitri allegedly punching through a desk, screaming, and pounding on a door until Ariadne and her daughter would come out, claiming that Dimitri persuaded her not to call the police.

According to the interview, fellow sister wife Tayler Middleton is said to have fled to Mexico out of fear and Ariadne claimed there were many more things relating to the couple that she “couldn’t speak on.”

Ariadne said that she alerted TLC to what she claimed was happening under the Snowdens’ roof during Season One of the show — shortly after viewers saw Dimitri sleep with potential wife, Joselyn — but claimed that the network never responded to her.

She also claimed that she never even watched the show, but was alerted to it by someone who knew she was affiliated with the Snowdens.

Ariadne claims the Snowdens didn’t want to be ‘bothered’ by kids

In other claims, Ariadne said she believed that Ashley may have poisoned her food, and alleged that Dimitri was not a nurturing father and had no patience for his own kids, let alone her children. She also claimed that Ashley didn’t want to be “bothered” with kids, and didn’t want anything to do with cleaning around the house.

She also told how she believed Ashley wanted an “ATM” as a wife —  claiming that she took money from all of her and Dimitri’s potential sister wives, and said she actually wanted from them “everything but a sister wife.”

Seeking Sister Wife airs on Mondays at 8/7c on TLC.

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3 years ago

What bothers me the most about the Snowdons is what effect all these different “temporary” “Mom’s” are having on the children. As far as I’m concerned if the adults on this show are crazy enough to participate then go for it but to involve the children is selfish & irresponsible. Those children cannot help but be scarred for life by the behaviour of the parents. This show should be off the air!