Anna Redman, who caused some controversy in Matt James’ season of The Bachelor bumped into Chris Harrison, past The Bachelor host, and he apparently didn’t even recognize her.
Known as a former bully and rumor-starter in her season of The Bachelor, it’s a shock to many fans that Chris didn’t remember Anna.
What did Chris Harrison say to Anna Redman when he saw her out?
She took to her TikTok account to potentially attempt to find humor in the fact that Chris didn’t know who she was as she wrote, “Time I was humbled Ran into Chris Harrison last night and he said ‘nice to meet you.’”
Anna then captioned the video, ‘Honestly I wouldn’t remember me either lmfao #humbled,” as she laid in her bed pasting on a smile and blinking her eyes over and over.
This is after Chris Harrison referred to and compared Anna to the contestant Eazy Nwachukwu from the unique Tayshia Adams/Clare Crawley season of The Bachelorette.
“Remember Eazy from last season of The Bachelorette? Eazy, I always said, gave great face. When Clare or Tayshia would come in, Eazy just had a great response. That’s Anna,” Chris said during a live stream of the cast members from Matt’s season.
Chris had clearly met her before, and he not only met Anna but spent time with Anna and hosted the show with her on it until she was eliminated.
Why was Anna eliminated from Matt James’ season?
Anna was sent home because of the controversy she caused in the house, specifically with another contestant, Brittany Galvin.
She started a rumor in the house that Brittany worked as an escort for men. She followed that by saying she knew her from “running around in the same ‘Chicago night life world’ circle.”
She told other contestants that Brittany was entertaining men for money, but came back and told Brittany that others in the house were talking about her doing that and that she wanted to let Brittany know what people were saying about her.
Matt then found out about the drama and pulled Brittany aside and talked with her about the rumors being spread. Anna immediately told Matt she felt so bad and made a terrible mistake with it all. She was eventually eliminated because of the drama on Episode 6.
She then went on to appear in Season 7 of Bachelor in Paradise and remained on the show until her elimination in Week 6.
Anna seems to have made an impression on her own season with Brittany and Matt; however, it looks as if she made less of an impact on the host of that season, Chris Harrison.
The Bachelor airs Mondays 8/7c on ABC.