Big Brother 23 houseguest Azah Awasum started up a YouTube channel where it appears that she is going to provide videos about lifestyle, food, and travel.
The new YouTube page is called Wonderful World of Az and the first few videos are going to be about her time in the Big Brother house.
The first video from Azah has already been released and she explains how she decided to play the game this past summer. She talks a lot about her strategy and does so in the yellow dress that she made famous on the show.
The next video has been advertised as “outlining my game from Jury to finale night.” The description is a bit confusing, though, as Azah became a member of the BB23 jury on finale night, so there wasn’t a lot of time that she was actually on the jury. She does explain within the first video that she means when the jury started, and not when she was actually on the jury.
Azah talks about playing Big Brother 23
“Hey, family. It’s Azah. So, in today’s video, we’re gonna be talking about my Big Brother experience,” Azah starts out the video while addressing the viewers.
Azah then breaks down what she is going to cover in the video, including her “entire experience in the house” and what strategies she used to get all the way to the final three.
For fans of Azah, the video below provides some great insight into her gameplay.
One of the strategies that Azah says that she employed was to target the first Head of Household winner. She lays out how she planned on going after Brandon “Frenchie” French and then dives into a deeper explanation of what she wanted to accomplish during Big Brother 23.
Some more news from the Big Brother 23 cast
Tiffany Mitchell answered some more questions for fans through an AMA that she did this week. Tiffany finished in sixth place this past summer and was named America’s Favorite Houseguests by Big Brother fans.
Tiffany worked with Azah for most of the summer when they were members of The Cookout alliance, but their allegiances shifted when it came down to the final weeks of the season.
And if you didn’t already know, Claire Rehfuss and Derek Xiao from BB23 are now dating.
Celebrity Big Brother returns this winter
We don’t have to wait that much longer for a new season of Big Brother to air on CBS. The network decided to bring back Celebrity Big Brother for Winter 2022, and we should start seeing new episodes of the show in February 2022.
There have been some interesting Celebrity Big Brother rumors about who might be on the cast, but we are likely a long way from CBS or the show’s producers confirming any names.
Since this is Big Brother: Celebrity Edition, we won’t be seeing any former houseguests who have played on the USA summer version of the reality competition show. Instead, we will see celebrities who gained their fame through acting, starring on other reality shows, being athletes, or even being politicians or comedians.
At the same time that the producers are working on the Celebrity Big Brother 3 cast, they are also working on putting together Big Brother 24 for Summer 2022. People hoping to be on the BB24 cast can already apply online.
Celebrity Big Brother airs on CBS during Winter 2022.
All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!
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racist loser. kick rocks b***h.
oh boy a youtube channel! gmafb