The Below Deck Mediterranean mid-season trailer features Captain Sandy Yawn and Malia White’s fight, chef Luka returns, a new stew joins the crew, and oh so much more Season 6 drama.
It’s hard to believe that Season 6 of Below Deck Med is nearly halfway over. Thanks to Bravo dropping a coming-up trailer, fans know the back half of the season is about to begin.
The current season has been filled with so many jaw-dropping moments. However, once again, it appears Bravo has saved the best for last.
Chef Luka, a new stew, romance, and drama
Season 6 has brought the drama from day one and that won’t stop until the season ends.
Although Lexi Wilson is shown a couple of times in the trailer, once again fighting with chef Mathew Shea, a new stew shakes things up on the luxury yacht. Yes, Lexi’s days on the show might be numbered.
Speaking of chef Mathew, trouble is on the horizon for him too. Despite Captain Sandy allowing him to stay, chef Luka makes another appearance in the preview footage.
The happy deck crew bond starts to crumble too. When docking procedures don’t go smoothly, Malia lashes out at her team. Plus, deckhand Lloyd Spencer finds himself singled out by Malia’s wrath before suddenly becoming ill.
After Malia shot him down, David Pascoe sets his sights on the pretty redheaded stew Delaney Evans. They get pretty chummy in the hot tub. The new addition finds herself doing laundry, wondering how she ended up there when she has a captain’s license.
David ends up with a leg injury when he slips and falls out of the hot tub. The deckhand has a nasty bruise that could mean something is seriously wrong.
Captain Sandy takes on Malia and Katie
More tension arises between Katie Flood and Captain Sandy. The captain tells the chief stew to woman up, make a decision and have a conversation. Chances are they are once again discussing Lexi, who Katie wanted to fire after her drunken, abusive actions toward the crew.
Captain Sandy also butts heads with Malia. Viewers saw the two squabble recently over the slide, and the fighting only gets worse. The captain informs the bosun she can’t be trusted.
Malia admitted previously that things were awkward with Captain Sandy during Season 6 because of the infamous cameo video. These two are definitely not the bosom buddies they were in Season 5 of Below Deck Mediterranean.
It’s not all drama on Lady Michelle. The crew lets loose for a fun night filled with twerking, a DJ, and fire-fighter costumes.
Who’s ready for the back half of Below Deck Med Season 6?
Below Deck Mediterranean airs Mondays at 9/8c on Bravo.