Somebody has a serious death wish on Below Deck.
You cannot tell me that new girl Jen Howell didn’t watch the last three seasons of the Bravo show before signing up to be a yachtie. Seriously?
Anybody who has seen Below Deck knows you do not mess with Kate Chastain.
She can be biting. She’s scary. And she’s very, very good at her job.
If I had to work for her — which I’m glad I don’t have to — I definitely wouldn’t piss her off.
But Jen is absolutely a fish out of water on this boat. She appears to have zero class, and no clue how to handle the guests.
Quick hint: It’s never okay to tell the charter guests that your boss is the worst on the boat. Even in jest.
Another Tip: You cannot call your boss a “little bitch” in front of the guests, even as a joke.
Especially when you’re dealing with someone who gives as hard as they take, and as you can see from the clip below it’s Jen who comes out worst.
If Jen lasts the season, it’s going to be a rough one.
Usually I don’t cheer for Kate, but this time, she’s the only worthy candidate. Bri is only half there, and Jen is a complete nitwit.
Who in their right mind would decide they want to throw their boss under the bus on day five of the new job?
There’s a reason this woman is just trying to get a career together in life.
We’re only three episodes, and two charters, into the new season. And this is arguably the worst crew we’ve ever seen on Below Deck.
There are rocky seas ahead for the Valor.
Below Deck airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on Bravo.