Below Deck star Ben Willoughby has found himself at the center of the drama on both of his seasons of the hit yachting show.
Ben can’t seem to stay out of trouble with the Below Deck ladies, and it once again has fans hating on him.
The most recent episode featured Ben in all of his feelings for his ex-Camille Lamb despite being him in a boatmance with Sunny Marquis.
After calling his Sunny situationship off, Ben immediately FaceTimed Camille looking for a second chance, and got shut down.
Honestly, Below Deck fans were so here for Camille not even hesitating to tell Ben she’s just not that into him anymore.
Now, Ben has addressed what happened with Sunny and Camille as he tries to explain his actions.
Ben Willoughby addresses Camille Lamb and Sunny Marquis Below Deck drama
Taking to his Instagram Stories, Ben did a Q&A to answer questions about the most recent Below Deck episode.
One question brought up his posting an IG Story about Camille, asking if he really didn’t think it was a harsh move.
“Check the timing. Season 10 was airing whilst fliming season 11. To Keep things current and not give away the ending of Camille and I in Season 10. I was posting our journey on St. David whilst filming Season 11 in the best interest of bravo and their storyline to keep information current . It just so happened to be that was the way the edit went,” Ben wrote.
Another question simply wanted to know where Ben and Sunny stand today.
“I realized I did hurt her feelings. I didn’t know how deep of a feeling she had towards me and was trying to make both Season 10 and 111 work simultaneously.. evidently that doesn’t work. We are on great terms with each other. Watch this space.” was Ben’s response.

Along with Ben addressing the situation with Sunny and Camille, Ben also weighed in on his high and low points of Season 11.
Below Deck star Ben Willoughby reacts to best and worst of season
In a different series of Instagram questions, Ben was asked about his high and low of Season 11 of Below Deck. Ironically enough, Ben expressed that seeing Sunny, Kyle Stille, and Dylan Pierre De Villiers grow on deck was his high point.
Ben’s low has everything to do with the way the season was edited.
“Low – not enjoying this season due to a number of factors. I never wanted to step foot on St David again under those circumstances,” the bosun expressed.

These two replies from Ben aren’t the first time he has brought up his dislike of this season due to editing. As Monsters and Critics previously reported, Ben threw shade at the show for how he’s being portrayed.
Less than a handful of episodes are left in Below Deck Season 11 so be sure to keep watching to find out how this season ends for Ben Willoughby.
Below Deck airs Mondays at 9/8c on Bravo. Seasons 1-11 are streaming on Peacock.