Big Brother 2020 spoilers coming from the CBS live feeds seem to indicate that Ian Terry and Tyler Crispen were close to self-evicting from the game.
Ian has been dealing with a lot of anxiety in the house this summer, but, for a while at least, he had Kaysar Ridha in there with him. It looked like Kaysar helped to keep him grounded.
Kaysar and Ian bonded early on in the season due to their connections to autism. And it helped Ian a lot that Kaysar could be patient and calm around him when things were getting intense in the game.
Fans who have been watching the show or the live feeds have seen the increasing amount of time that Ian spends self-soothing in the house. From that standpoint, it would not be hard to believe that he might want to self-evict.
Big Brother All-Stars packed with subtle drama
For anyone who does not know what happened with the BB Basement or the Nomination Ceremony, this is the time to go enjoy one of the other great articles on Monsters & Critics, because we are about to discuss all of that.
But taking a step back from before that, there was apparently a lot of drama in the house following the Week 5 Head of Household Competition. Ian was the first one to answer a question in the HOH Competition and he got it wrong, which was surprising unless he threw the challenge.
When Kevin Campbell put Nicole Franzel and Cody Calafiore against each other, it didn’t help. Then, when Cody forced Kevin and Da’Vonne to go at each other, it started revealing alliances. Then, Da’Vonne put Cody and Memphis Garrett against each other.
When Danielle Donato forced Da’Vonne to play against Bayleigh Dayton, it opened the eyes of the BayDay alliance, as Dani had been swearing for weeks that they were all working together. She lied. She was using them.
All of those moves done during the HOH Competition, combined with the speech that Kaysar Ridha gave on his way out the door, led to a lot of emotion in the house. There were then three hours where the live feeds were down and drama took place.
Professional Victim: Ian betrayed me.
Tyler: No he didn't.
PV: He said he got super paranoid.
Dani: He got Kaysar going, which got Bay/Day to flip on us.PV talks about pregaming.#bb22 pic.twitter.com/VwwBhzHLPl
— Tooms (@Tooms_BB) September 4, 2020
Could Ian and Tyler self-evict from Big Brother All-Stars?
For Ian, everything that has been going on may have put him over the edge with the anxiety he has been dealing with, and both Dani and Enzo Palumbo said on the live feeds that Ian had tried to self-evict.
There has even been chatter that Ian sat out the Week 5 Power of Veto Competition due to not feeling well enough to actually play it out. Here is our report on who won the Power of Veto if you want to take a look.
Regarding the Nomination Ceremony, Christmas Abbott put Bayleigh Dayton and Da’Vonne on the block this week. It was a move that fans have seen coming for a while, but, again, Christmas had lied to Bayleigh and Da’Vonne about working with them.
Bayleigh got upset, which added to the stress that Tyler Crispen has been dealing with inside the house. His problems started when David Alexander nearly blew up Tyler’s game. Tyler even spoke to the cameras about regretting going after Janelle Pierzina just to help other people in his alliance.
But Tyler’s lies to Da’Vonne and Bayleigh had been exposed. He ended up saving his personal game by lying some more to Da’Vonne and blaming Kaysar for everything he had done himself.
Franzel says Bay made Ian want to self evict (she asked him some questions FFS)
Inserts her usual "I really like them"
Donato reiterates she feels like garbage and her friend sits there silently#bb22 pic.twitter.com/pn5K1DFdnW
— ? DumpTrump ? (@squalo) September 5, 2020
Ian and Tyler are still in the game
As of Sunday morning, Ian Terry and Tyler Crispen are still kicking around the Big Brother All-Stars house. Hopefully, if Ian and Tyler actually did try to self-evict in the Diary Room, producers show it during the Sunday night episode of the show.
It appears that even with the live feeds, a lot is taking place in the house that just doesn’t make it to the episodes. That’s where Big Brother After Dark could have been helpful, as it filled in the blanks for a lot of viewers.
Since Big Brother After Dark might not be coming back, more needs to be covered during the three episodes airing each week. On Sunday, though, a lot of time is going to be spent on revealing the BB Basement powers.
Big Brother airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS.
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After Dark isn’t the only thing that shouldn’t be coming back. This “All-Star” season needs to be the last BB season. I can’t believe given the current social and cultural climate, BB once again paraded racist casting choices. I’m not sure how they can fix this going forward, but when you put someone like Christmas Abbot, little Miss aggravated assault charges, on an All-Star season, there are some pretty serious issues with casting and show running.
How many cast members this season can actually be called all-stars? Ian, Nicole F are the only winners, so sure. Janelle, sure based on AFP and fandom. Tyler, based on AFP and his excellent game play in the one season he was on… ok.
Does being just an AFP qualify for all-star status? Turns out, no. Nicole A (good luck on ever getting another AFP!), Keesha (who was the real winner thanks to being voted out before she could be tarnished by yet another toxic BB cast) turned to be blah at best. Kaysar (does being voted back into the game count as an AFP victory??), should never have been asked to be on this season because they had to know it would sink both his and Janelle’s game from day one.
Then we have our goats–tag along number 2s and 3s: Enzo, Christmas (who’s single season demonstrated just how s**tty her BB game is and will always be), Memphis, Dani (who can’t do s**t without her daddy… I thought we had already determined this) and last but definitely least, Cody… who is proving that without a doubt he needs someone else to do his thinking for him.
Then you have the folks who’s only claim to the title all-star is that they happened to be on the show at least once before. David… really don’t need to explain this one. I feel bad he was the victim of racism on day one of his original season, but this still doesn’t make him an all-star. I love Day, but come on… in the two seasons she was in previously she proved that she was horrible at BB. Bay… I like Bay, and up until recently, I liked the way she was playing this season, but still she isn’t exactly all-star material.
Did I forget anyone… OH YEAH, Kevin. Jeez! I had to look him up before the show premiered because he was obviously a forgettable cast member in whatever season he was in. He seems like a likable guy, but this isn’t “All-Likable BB”. It’s supposed to be “All-Star BB.”
Unfortunately these issues aren’t going to go away. Obviously casting toxic people for BB is a systemic problem, and now we know that they can’t even tell the difference between an all-star and someone who has just been on the show in the past. If this is what the future spells for this show, its best they just cancel it now.