The Big Brother live feeds have revealed the spoilers that everyone has been waiting to learn.
We now know who won Part 1 of the final Head of Household Competition.
For anyone who missed the Thursday night episode, Cody Calafiore voted to evict Christmas Abbott.
The final three BB22 houseguests are now Cody, Nicole Franzel, and Enzo Palumbo. The first person to win two stages of the final HOH Competition gets a spot in the final two and gets to pick who sits there with them.
Who won Part 1 of the HOH Competition?
The Big Brother live feeds were down for a long time, not coming back on until more than an hour after the West Coast had already watched the new episode.
Nicole Franzel won Part 1. It was an Endurance Challenge and according to Enzo, it took about 30 minutes to complete. At least that’s how it seems from what he was talking to Cody about on the feeds.
Nicole now gets to watch as the two guys play in Part 2, with the winner of that challenge then facing Nicole in Part 3 during the season finale. And the pressure is definitely on for both Enzo and Cody with how much is on the line here.
Part 2 will likely take place at some point during the next few days. It will be very interesting to find out which one of the guys gets to play against Nicole in Part 3. It would certainly be intriguing if Enzo won and Cody had to rely on one of the other people to make the final two.
YES NICOLE WON PART ONE AHH!!!! #bb22 pic.twitter.com/SKYJ5IqE6r
— aleah/bb22 (@bb22allstars_) October 23, 2020
Finale night approaching for BB22 cast
There are still three episodes of the show left, including a special Friday night episode. The Big Brother 22 finale will then air on Wednesday, October 28, with the BB22 jury selecting who gets to go home with that $500,000 prize.
We will also get to see the people who were sent home before the jury even started forming. That includes Janelle Pierzina and Kaysar Ridha, who seem to have become even more popular once they were on social media this summer.
Nicole did THAT..she just has one more comp. #BB22 pic.twitter.com/h9kzF5HCzu
— Maria #bb22 (@marialynn_bb22) October 23, 2020
Another big moment on finale night will be when host Julie Chen Moonves announces who has been selected as America’s Favorite Houseguest. On Thursday night, the voting opened, so fans can now go to the site and vote for AFH.
Big Brother airs Friday and Monday at 8/7c and Wednesday at 9/8c on CBS.
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