Danielle Murphree is now off-limits for the Big Brother 22 cast.
It appears that production has stepped in and stated that they can no longer mention her name or talk specifics about the former Big Brother houseguest.
Do not confuse Danielle Murphree with Daniele Donato, as the latter is part of the All-Stars 2020 cast and the other one has been very vocal on social media lately.
Who is Danielle Murphree from Big Brother?
Danielle was part of the Big Brother 14 cast that played the game back in the summer of 2012.
BB14 was the one that Ian Terry ended up winning and also saw Janelle Pierzina as one of the coaches.
The theme from that season involved bringing back four familiar faces to each lead teams of houseguests. The returners were Janelle, Dan Gheesling, Britney Haynes, and Mike “Boogie” Malin.
Danielle was part of Team Dan and Ian was part of Team Mike that season. She made it all the way to third place, becoming the first houseguest in the history of the show to veto their own HOH nominations twice in one season.
Fast-forward to this summer, where Janelle has been seen on the live feeds speaking about Danielle. Janelle claimed that Danielle had accused Dan Gheesling of telling CBS not to call her for All-Stars.
Danielle later confirmed that statement to ScreenRant. According to the site, “Danielle replied back justifying that she wanted Janelle out of BB14 because she was a ‘bitchy girl that couldn’t be trusted.'”
Janelle has also accused Danielle of lying to everyone in the BB14 house and had spoken about her several times, with most of the stories that Janelle has been telling getting confirmed by Ian Terry.
Now, CBS seems to be calling an end to this drama
Ian, Janelle, and Cody Calafiore were chatting on the Big Brother live feeds when the scene shared below played out:
One of the live feed bloggers caught that bit of information as well and posted about it with a small GIF of Danielle Murphree.
sounds like Dani was warned not to insinuate Ian's using autism as strategy, and Janelle/Ian were warned not to talk about Danielle Murphree pic.twitter.com/Fkj1NfZbpL
— hamsterwatch #bb22 (@hamsterwatch) August 18, 2020
During BB14, Dan and Danielle worked together for a long time, but Dan had other plans that included a final two deal with Ian. The trio made it to the final three, where it was finally revealed what Dan had been doing.
That was also the season that Dan’s Funeral took place, which is something mentioned on the walls of the BB14 house.
It will be very interesting to hear more about this story and if the drama sparks up again on social media when the summer 2020 season comes to an end. A number of the houseguests could certainly want to respond to some of the things Danielle has posted in the past few weeks.
As for the people in the Big Brother house, they are getting paid well to be there and the nominees are now set for the upcoming Eviction Ceremony.
Meanwhile, there is also some gaslighting taking place between BB22 cast members. Could it blow up?
Big Brother airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS.
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