Big Brother 22 spoilers reveal that Paul Abrahamian is not playing the game this summer. The BB All-Stars 2 cast will not include the two-time runner-up when it all gets started next week.
The huge announcement about who is on the Big Brother 22 cast is slated to take place a little later this week. CBS is going to live-stream the revelation through the live feeds.
While there are a lot of rumors about who might be on the cast this summer, there seem to be more stories coming out about who is choosing not to take part in the reality competition show.
Yesterday, we learned that Derrick Levasseur is officially not a part of the BB All-Stars 2 cast. He joined former winner Andy Herren, who said he wasn’t invited to play, in speaking about the season on social media.
Big Brother 22 spoilers about Paul Abrahamian
Today, Paul Abrahamian from Big Brother 18 and Big Brother 19 took to his social media accounts to make an announcement about how he will be spending the rest of his summer.
Paul’s note got right to the point as he stated that “I will not be on BB All Stars.”
Paul went on to explain that the emotional and mental stress that comes with the experience of being on the show is something that he feels is not a good idea at this time.
“I have decided to fully focus on my music & art,” Paul wrote later in the message. “It’s what truly brings me happiness & makes me feel complete. I hope you guys understand that.”
You can read his full message below to see what else he had to say about his views on society, the stresses of quarantine, and how much he misses life.

BB All-Stars 2 cast reveal coming up
When it comes to people who have played the game well over the years, Paul Abrahamian is certainly high up on the list. He has die-hard fans and also detractors, and he maneuvered his way through the BB18 and BB19 casts quite well. Having BB All-Stars 2 without him could seem a bit odd.
Luckily, fans won’t have to wait that much longer to find out who is going to be playing the game during summer 2020. Those are the Big Brother 22 spoilers that the fans most want to see, even as we all learn the names of people who are choosing to stay home.
Stay tuned folks, because this is going to be a week packed with a lot of Big Brother news.
Big Brother 22 debuts August 5 at 9/8c on CBS.
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Paul not coming back for BB22 is a blessing. He talks about emotional and mental stress as one of his reasons for not returning. I think back to the harsh emotional and mental stress he put others through in his two seasons on the show. To play strategically is one thing; to be hateful is something else altogether. Paul is the most hateful houseguest to ever be on the show.