
Big Brother 23 cast: Changes are coming for summer 2021

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The next Big Brother cast could look a lot different than past incarnations. Pic credit: CBS

The Big Brother 23 cast is going to represent some big changes for the reality competition show.

It also has the potential to usher in a new era for the show that could make it relevant for years to come.

The show has had a lot of problems with race relations, and it seemed to get even worse when people of color were targeted early and often during Big Brother 21 and Big Brother All-Stars 2.

Almost as soon as Cody Calafiore was named the Big Brother 22 winner, news came out about how the show will be focused on bringing in more people of color for future seasons.

Big Brother 23 casting changes

Beginning with the summer 2021 season of the show, at least 50 percent of the cast will be people of color. Breaking that down, if there are 18 members of the BB23 cast, at least nine of them will be people of color.

This is something that Survivor is going to try to accomplish with its new seasons as well.

Regarding Survivor, the production teams are still having problems even getting Season 41 filmed. So, it might be a while before fans can watch a new season of the show.

In the world of Big Brother, though, the new season has already been ordered and they are hard at work putting together the BB23 cast. For people interested in trying to be on the show, applications are still open for submissions.

George Cheeks, the president and chief executive officer for the CBS Entertainment Group, said that “The reality TV genre is an area that’s especially underrepresented and needs to be more inclusive across development, casting, production and all phases of storytelling.”

He went on to talk about increasing diversity at the network and that it was important to make sure that it was extending to the unscripted programming.

“All future casts will contain at least 50 percent Black, indigenous and people of color,” Cheeks stated.

What do Big Brother cast changes mean for the show?

Big Brother has always billed itself as a social experiment, with people from all walks of life placed inside a house full of cameras. Now, that tagline might be even more apt, as this casting shift is definitely going to be a new social experiment in terms of the show.

Moving forward, fans might start referring to BB23 as a new era for the show, thus ending the “new school” casts that had been playing the game since the day that Derrick Levasseur entered the house.

Change can be a good thing for a show that has been through 22 regular seasons, two celebrity seasons, and one season done entirely online. Hopefully, the next Big Brother cast is so good that the show increases its viewership numbers and sticks around for years to come.

Big Brother is currently on hiatus at CBS.

All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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4 years ago

Thank you for ruining another tv show and making it all about race. Disgusting

4 years ago
Reply to  Nonya

STFU racist

James F Anderson
James F Anderson
3 years ago

Where are the hispanics, asians, native americans, Islanders? Have never had one of them. Hey how about a middle age cast? It’s rare to have someone over 45. Every show is now making things about race. Unreal. Your ratings will now suffer. People are sick of politics.