Big Brother 23 is on the way, but for many fans of the show, it cannot get here soon enough.
There were some exciting and interesting moments during the Big Brother 22 season, but on the whole, it left something to be desired due to too much predictability and not enough interesting characters.
Now, the producers and casting director get another shot, with a lot of fans hoping that the 2021 incarnation of the show casts only new people to the show.
CBS hasn’t revealed all the details about what’s to come, so this article will be updated as further information is revealed, but the great news is that the network has already renewed the show for summer.
Who will be on the BB23 cast?
Applications are currently open and the show is looking for potential houseguests who want to play the game this summer. No hints have been made about how the theme will impact casting decisions, but there is a lot of time for hopeful houseguests to put together great applications.
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When is Big Brother return date?
There had been rumors that CBS was working on a version of Celebrity Big Brother to air on CBS this winter, but as the days fall off the calendar, it looks less likely that the network will move forward with that idea.
With that in mind, it looks like the next season of the show won’t take place until summer 2021. If things fall in line with how past summer seasons have been done, then we expect the Big Brother 23 season premiere to take place on a Wednesday evening late in June.
As for a prediction on when the BB23 cast will debut on CBS, Wednesday, June 23 looks good on the calendar. It is the fourth Wednesday of the month, it is a day that has been used in the past, and it allows for a few episodes to air before the Fourth of July holiday.
When will the BB23 cast be revealed?
For a normal summer season of the show, the houseguests begin playing the game on the weekend before the season premiere. This is to allow producers enough time to explain the rules, tape some footage for the first few episodes, and for everyone to get comfortable with the filming process.
Assuming the sequester takes place the week before the filming begins, we could be looking at learning who the BB23 cast members are by the end of the second week in June.
The month of June still seems like it’s way off, but at least CBS and show producers are working on putting another good cast on television.
Stay tuned, as we will continue to share new information about Big Brother 23 as it becomes available.
Big Brother is currently on hiatus at CBS.